Sat, 17 Nov 2012 20:40:53 -0500
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My team had a good season- I didn't have parental help during season, never have- (I should say as a second coach) but did at the tournament which was nice. It is exhausting to be solo coach. I felt really proud of my kids, they worked hard, got a lot of positive feedback from judges- but parents who came to the tournament and had no involvement all year seemed obsessed by the "points" and then a little on "who will win." The children seemed fine! I feel like no matter how great our team functions- if no award- or low points- parents seem worried- question of parent buy-in-I think we had a GREAT season! Robot didn't perform as it did at school- and kids frustrated- but they got it- our best round was practice which didn't count- I had 2 ADHD kids and an Asperger's kid- lots of work as a solo coach on just being a team- and the fact that we got through the season and tournament as a true team in my personal goals- was a major feat! and they did well- they just didn't win. I felt like they really bonded. Parents always seem disappointed? Any thoughts? Have tried to educate about the experience for the kids not the win- "It's what we learn, not what we win." I really believe that and appreciate that about FLL. The experience in and of itself is huge!!!!
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