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Date: | Tue, 14 Oct 2008 14:50:00 -0400 |
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It is difficult with a 4'x8' table dominating your room to not focus on the
robot game. But veteran teams will almost certainly agree that all teams
should heed Lloyd's advice about paying attention to the other 75% of judged
categories. In your team's case the robot game could be the most
conspicuous potential disappointment so make sure they understand it is
1/4th of the overall challenge. It is the only category where scores are
typically posted during a tournament. Attached is a scoring spreadsheet in
Excel that may help your team prioritize and see progress. I think the list
of missions Mike Blanpied identified are excellent candidates. I would add
that you consider beginning at the end. By that I mean program the robot to
complete the final mission (Beat the Clock) by simply designing a robot that
is small enough to fit in the yellow grid and driving out there and parking.
You start this year's challenge with 15 points (3 levees are in scoring
position). If you did nothing else but drive to the yellow grid you get 10
more points. Then I would proceed to chip at the missions described by
Charlie Aldridge
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sarah Brown" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11:14 AM
Subject: [VADCFLL-L] Help with FLL Please!
> Hi everyone,
> This is my first time coach and I am feeling a little lost! It was a last
> minute decision to get a group of students together and compete this year
> in FLL. Seeing as how the competition is in November, I'm starting to
> feel the pressure! Any suggestions??? We have met about 3 times and the
> students have a working robot with the NXT kit. I have some questions if
> anyone can help me!
> 1. Do the NXT Robots have to be built a specific way for competition? Or
> is it up to students how they build it?
> 2. With the climate missions this year, do you compile 1 program that the
> robot is designed to do ALL Missions within taht ONE program? Or can you
> do a series of programs to accomplish the missions?
> 3. I know I have a lot of reading and researching to do but is there
> something someone would suggest as a starting point?
> Any help would be SO appreciated!!!
> Thanks!!!
> Sarah
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