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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Betsy Wilco <[log in to unmask]>
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Betsy Wilco <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 28 Jul 2011 12:54:08 -0400
text/plain (48 lines)
And in any case, it isn't about the competition. It is about the experience of investing themselves in a problem, doing everything they can to solve it with whatever time and resources they have, and then going for it. It is a little scary when you can't start up until school does, like many teams, and you only have a couple of months. But going to an event will make them want to come back home and keep working at the problem. They will learn an incredible amount about themselves as learners as well as how to work with others. Emphasize teamwork and sportsmanship above all things, and they will win, even if they don't have a trophy to show for it! 

Super Tomcats Coach 

Betsy Wilco
Gifted Resource Teacher
Prince William County Schools

>>> SUBSCRIBE VADCFLL-L Anonymous 07/28/11 12:12 AM >>> 
My team of 6 has met three times and we're trying to decide whether to 
compete this year or wait. I'm sorry, I'm sure these questions have been 
posted before. I have looked through the archives, but haven't found what 
I'm looking for. 

1. Is the National Registration a one time fee forever, that will be attached to 
the coaches name or the school, regardless of what students are on the team? 

2. I can't download most of the files on here as my computer doesn't have 
anything except works and pdf capabilities. Is there a sheet from a previous 
year that breaks down the basics of the competition? I read that the robot 
missions are 25% of the score, but don't know what encompasses the other 

3. Would it be humiliating for a group of 9-11 yr olds to meet 2 hours a week 
and compete? My parents don't want to add more at this point, and I don't 
have a point of reference as far as skill levels in either research or maneuvers. 

4. Are there licensing legalities to putting logos on team t-shirts? And how do 
we find out if other teams have the same name? 

We don't have funding organized at this point, so I can't go get some of 
these great resource books you have been suggesting. Thanks for any tips, 
and for posting them yet again. 

Jennifer Armstrong 

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