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Thu, 13 Nov 2008 22:47:15 -0500
Steve Scherr <[log in to unmask]>
Steve Scherr <[log in to unmask]>
First Lego League Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (148 lines)
I have to agree with Mark.

If the robot is still pushing the insulation blocks (or other objects) when the robot or objects are 
touched, then it is still in contact with them (see Loss of Contact rule)

The Active Robot Touched rule, and Q&A Ruling 32 make it clear that the blocks would either be 
removed from the field (if they contacted the robot out of Base), or returned to Base (if they have 
been in continuous contact with the robot since it was started).

Under this year's rules, no movable object in contact with an active robot when it is touched will 
stay in place on the field.


On Thu, 13 Nov 2008 10:52:42 -0500, Swayne, Nick <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I don't think this is the intent of the rule - but I am not a lawyer.
>If the robot does something (like collect the carbon balls) and gets stuck or stops on the field - 
if the robot is touched and returned to base - those things it had already collected are removed 
from play and the team gets a penalty.
>If the insulation blocks are in contact with the mat and were simply pushed out - then the robot 
stops and is retrieved by hand - there should be a penalty but the yellow blocks would remain on 
the table.
>From: First Lego League Discussion [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of 
Mark FLL Allen
>Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:27 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] active touch rule
>See the answers as I understand the rules below.  One other scenario:
>Robot delivers insulation to scoring area but the robot is touched while still in contact.  As I 
understand it there are actually two answers;
>1) Robot contacted the object on the field and moved it to the scoring area.  The object(s) are 
removed by the ref and are out of play.
>2) Robot previously brought those objects back to base.  If so, those objects are returned to 
>Does every one agree?
>Best regards,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: David Levy <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Sent: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 9:53 am
>Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] active touch rule
>Maybe some example scenarios would be appropriate -
>In the "testing the levees challenge" , robot has moved only partially out of base - robot is 
touched when:
>1) still not yet reached the challenge model (penalty ?)  - No penalty.
>2) challenge model has been activated , and other end of robot is sitting on the challenge 
model's activation bar ( penalty ?) No Penalty
>3) challenge model has been activated, robot has moved off challenge model's activation bar and 
'heading' back ( legal ?) No penalty
>In other missions where the robot has completely left base performed a mission and is returning 
to base - robot is touched when:
>4) robot is completely in base but still rolling ( legal )  Yes - legal
>5) robot is partially in base but still rolling ( legal ) Yes - legal
>6) robot is partially in base but it is bringing back a scoring object that is on a section of the 
robot that has not crossed over the home base line. (penalty?)  No penalty but the "retrievable" is 
removed from the table by the ref and is out of play.
>Darlene Pantaleo wrote:
>> Normally you can touch the robot while in base, but if you do it while > it is performing a 
mission, then the mission will not count. The new > rules allow for performing a mission without 
leaving the base. Sorry > for the confusion.
>> Darlene Pantaleo
>> Judge Advisor
>> Maggie Walker
>> On Nov 13, 2008, at 2:52 AM, Michael Blanpied wrote:
>>> Dear Darlene,
>>>> The effect of the new rules is on what the robot can do while in >>> base. It does not 
effect a team's touching the robot except that a >>> mission will not count if done from base 
(such as the "test the >>> levees" challenge).
>>> I'm afraid I don't understand what that last phrase means. Under what >> circumstance 
would a mission not count? Thanks for clarifying.
>>> -- >> Cheers,
>>> Mike Blanpied
>>> Reston, VA
>>> 2006 Nano People #4809
>>> 2007 Power Bunnies #1666
>>> 2008 BLT - Brilliant Lego Team #5013
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