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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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First Lego League Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Jan 2009 19:27:35 -0500
1.0 (Apple Message framework v929.2)
David Levy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
David Levy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
Hello and Happy New Year!

I'd like to inform all FLL team members of a wonderful opportunity on  
( Saturday February 21 , 2009) , to show off their skills before  
thousands in the historic and impressive main hall of the DC National  
Building Museum.

What is Discover Engineering Family Day?
" The annual Washington DC Engineering Family Day is:
-Enjoyed by over six thousand participants every February at the  
beginning of E-Week.
-Hands-on with over 20 activities presented by local engineering  
chapters and national organizations.
-Aimed at children of all ages, so they can experience the excitement  
of engineering.
-Exciting with characters and actors from popular engineering and  
science TV shows.
-Produced by a committee of enthusiastic local volunteers,  
representing many engineering organizations."

We plan on showcasing both FLL Climate Connections as well as  
offseason activities.

FLL Climate Connection activities:
1) You are welcome to bring your robots to perform table runs during  
the day.
2) You are welcome to bring your project presentation materials for  
display ( space may be limited)
3) We ask that you wear your team t-shirts
4) We'll have a special table set up with FLL Flyers and a signup sheet

Off season activities:
We recognize that many teams have dismantled their Climate connection  
robots and therefore would like to offer other activities for team  
members to participate in.

5)You are welcome to bring your own simple NXT vehicle to program  
autonomous missions for a Sumo challenge.
You'll be given instruction on what techniques to use to keep your  
vehicle in the Sumo ring and to search for your competitor's robot.   
Here is an example of an off season Sumo challenge that was conducted  
locally last summer:

6) You are welcome to bring a laptop as computers may be limited.

7) A life size biped walker has been constructed out of multiple NXT  
kits to allow team members to work on their own programming solutions  
to simulate anthropomorphic activity.

Note:  As of yet, we still have not located an FLL table ( we have the  
mat and models).  So if anyone can bring in a table for the day then  
it would be most appreciated.   We are also coordinating efforts with  
Maryland and DC outreach to secure a table.

If anyone is  interested in joining us or has questions about  
logistics, please contact me directly.

Thank you
David Levy
VADCFLL Outreach Director
[log in to unmask]

E-Week Link here:
Pictures from FIRST  FRC , FTC, and FLL participation in 2008:


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