Does anyone have experience working with Loudoun or Fairfax county to rent
or borrow the county Lego Mindstorms kits?
We would like to offer a Lego Mindstorms afterschool program this fall at
Horizon Elementary. For the first time, have a FLL team at the school and
more people want to learn and join next year. I'd like to offer an
afterschool program over 6 weeks (one afternoon a week) for grades 3-5. We
have an instructor, but we need kits.
My kids took the Lego Robotics camp through Loudoun Parks and Recreation
this summer. The teachers were very supportive of the idea and seemed to
think we could borrow or rent the kits from the county. Since then I have
left multiple email and voicemail messages with Aaron Hopper and Jessica
Hale at Loudoun P&R and have received no responses.
Can anyone refer me to someone else or suggest another avenue I can try?
Stephanie Gleason
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