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First Lego League Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 1 Nov 2008 21:56:57 -0400
Phil Smith III <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Smith III <[log in to unmask]>
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text/plain (50 lines)
There's probably nothing in the rules that says you can't bring an elephant, either, but that doesn't mean a tournament will (or should) allow it.

Ralph's point remains: check with your local tournament organizers, and be prepared to run WITHOUT the table if necessary. There's no intent to mess up team operations, but I've seen tournaments where space was tight enough that a table would have been a problem. And, while your TV tray may work, it's a slippery slope: the next team wants to bring a bigger table, and the next a full-size, wheeled Craftsman tool caveat lusor* applies.


* That's "player", not a typo for "loser"!
Phil Smith III
Virginia State Judge Advisor, 2007, 2008
Judge Advisor, Northern Virginia Regional tournaments, 2006
Division 1 Judge Advisor, Virginia State tournament, 2006

Coach, The Capital Girls, Oak Hill (retired)
Team 1900 (2002)
Team 2497 (2003)
Team 2355 (2004)
Team 1945 (2005) 

-----Original Message-----
From: First Lego League Discussion [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of KevinHines
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2008 9:01 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] May the team bring a small table to the match?


Thanks!  The type of small, folding table I'm referring to is often called a
TV tray table, with a top surface that's approximately 1 ft by 2 ft.  My
team has used this at tournaments for each of the past three years, and I've
seen other teams do the same.

As far as space is concerned, the small table fits well within the area
designated as near the robot performance table, where only two team members
are allowed at any one time, so there's plenty of room within that area.

If there's any question about this, I'd be happy to share photos I have from
previous tournaments, such as last year, showing my team using our small
table, alongside the robot performance table, with referees watching while
the small table is being used to hold up our plastic bin.

After reading your post, I re-read the rules, and I can find nothing in the
rules to disallow the use of a plastic bin, nor anything to disallow the use
of a small table... please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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