I am pleased to share with you that the ILITE FRC and FTC Robotics Teams will host a FLL summer camp again this summer.
The options are:
Date Time Rooms Lead Cost Rising Grade
June 19-22 8:30-11:30 1163, 1164 Drake $120 4th-5th
June 19-22 12:30-3:30 1163, 1164 Drake $120 6th-8th
June 25-29 8:30-11:30 1163, 1164 Drake $150 4th-5th
June 25-29 12:30-3:30 1163, 1164 Drake $150 6th-8th
Professor Drake
Battlefield High School
Information Technology and Programming Faculty
ILITE Robotics Coach, FRC Team 1885, FTC, ZERO Robotics, Seaperch
US FIRST FLL Judge, Tournament Director
(571) 261-4726
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