I have a mission question.
Is it legal to start mission #1 from base (touch the brick to start the
have it do mission #1 COMPLETELY,
have it automatically come back to base (or it never leaves the base),
(the program then pauses for 3 seconds while the driver repositions the
robot for the next mission and lets go without initiating another program),
then the robot performs mission #2 by going out of and coming back to
base? (A touch sensor is not an option right now)
The driver would be touching the robot in base while the program itself
pauses autonomously - the driver would not have to press a button to
initiate the next program.
I would think this could be done for all missions if a team wanted to.
Then they would have one big program and not have to hit any buttons if
they timed the transition correctly.
Instead of being illegal, shouldn't a team be praised for being
creative? :)
Annette Holloway
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