Hello All,
I have two EV3 kits and a bunch of other parts for sale. We used them for two FLL seasons (2015/2016).
The Lot:
1. Two full EV3 Kits with Bricks, one EV3 box
2. One EV3 Rechargeable Battery
3. Numerous extra Lego parts (beams, axles, pins, wheels, angles, etc.) for robot builds. Most sorted in a bins.
4. The 2105 and 2016 FLL Table Kits (lots of practice opportunities and parts)
5. One old original EV brick
6. A pile of Lego WEDO kits. A few extra motors and controllers. Can be used for a FLLJR team.
Prefer to sell as one lot - a steal at $500 for all.
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