Fri, 30 Sep 2016 13:39:46 -0400
Hello All,
Trying to understand a little bit more about penalties and unintentional movement of the mission models during the match.
1. When the robot is released from the base and due to programming consistency issues during various missions, if the robot happens to hit the mission models like pig or bee and slightly knocks them off their location (black lines where we put the mission models in)
a. What would happen to the off location mission models – like pig and bee in this case ? Will they be allowed to be placed into their original location allowing team to complete the missions when they are attempting to carry out missions on pig and bee ?
2. I understand that when the robot hits the manure samples in target location, teams get a penalty. If the manure sample moves from its location slightly while carrying out missions, will this manure sample be placed back into its target location immediately or only after end of the match ?
3. When a robot is performing various missions during the match and it happens to get stuck in an effort to pull something during mission,
a. Will the clock stop allowing team to release the stuck situation or
b. Team is not allowed to touch robot and robot will sit where stuck until the clock runs out and team gets credit for only missions that are completed even though robot is stuck
Please advise
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