Calling FLL teams....
We still are looking for teams to come to the State Fair
and represent FLL at the FIRST exhibit!! This is a great
time to come and have some fun at the fair as well. We
will provide general admission tickets for team members
and mentors that attend.
We realize it is a busy time in the FLL season, but you can
even use the time at the Fair as your meeting. Visitors
will be interested in seeing what a working session of
FLL is all about. Your entire team doesn't need to be
present, even if a few members can come we would love to
have you!! You don't have to come for the entire day,
even a few hours would be great!!
Saturday, September 27th - Friday, October 3rd
If you have any questions feel free to contact me!!
Sally Sylvester
FIRST Senior Mentor
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