April 2020


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Lene Rachel Andersen - Nordic Bildung / Fremvirke <[log in to unmask]>
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tree of knowledge system discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 27 Apr 2020 17:09:19 +0200
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Hi Catherine,

Good question, thank you.

There are two sets of issues, the second with two sub-sets of issues:

 1. Things that went wrong in childhood and have lasting consequences
 2. Things that went wrong in adulthood
     1. Individual issues
     2. Societal issues

The 2-2 societal issues must be addressed politically and culturally, 
not as mental health / illness.

/ Lene

On 27-04-2020 17:01, Wilson, Katherine Christine - wilso3kc wrote:
> As I am following this conversation, I find myself a bit confused.
> I am understanding that people are saying that we should not view 
> mindsets that lead to becoming a child soldier or "social distancing 
> protestor" as stemming from mental illness, but rather from societal 
> inequities. However, are not most mental illnesses often the result of 
> some inequity, trauma, repression, suppression, power dynamic, or 
> developmental challenge due to lack of proper care, education, and 
> access to basic core needs being met? I am not understanding how an 
> individual who becomes borderline or depressed as an adult, after a 
> childhood that involves abuse, rape, poverty, and/or neglect, is 
> different from someone who protests in the streets as a result of job 
> insecurity, xenophobic upbringings, and poor education?
> where do we draw the line between mental illness and social inequity? 
> I am genuinely a bit stuck here...
>> On Apr 27, 2020, at 10:11 AM, Zachary Stein <[log in to unmask] 
>> <mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
>> Thanks Lene. Agreed.
>> Child soldiers and gang members are to be understood and helped with 
>> compassion and in ways that explicitly address the social, economic, 
>> and political contexts that placed their lives in such turmoil. 
>> Approaching "these people" as if they are mentally ill is the wrong 
>> frame.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 27, 2020, at 9:40 AM, Lene Rachel Andersen - Nordic Bildung / 
>>> Fremvirke <[log in to unmask] 
>>> <mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> I think the best way to fight the idiocy is to produce a stronger 
>>> narrative.
>>> What actually makes America great?
>>> American science, American ingenuity, American medicine, American 
>>> collaboration, American expertise, American health care workers, 
>>> American hardship, American perseverance, American spirit, American 
>>> doctors, American technicians, American nurses, American...
>>> And have somebody whom the Trump segment admires tout that story as 
>>> loudly as possible; addressing anxious people who are 
>>> under-educated, who have lost their livelihood in the globalized 
>>> economy and who react understandably to a situation that leaves them 
>>> powerless as a mental health issue would be an arrogant mistake.
>>> / Lene
>>> On 27-04-2020 15:14, nysa71 wrote:
>>>> Hi ToK Society,
>>>> An excellent --- though disturbing --- article where Yale 
>>>> psychiatrist, Brandy Lee, is interviewed:
>>>>     /"A Yale psychiatrist has warned that pro-Trump lockdown
>>>>     protesters, who exhibit similar psychology as 'child soldiers,'
>>>>     could quickly turn into 'armed troops in the streets' if the
>>>>     president loses his re-election bid./
>>>>     /"Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a forensic psychiatrist at the Yale School
>>>>     of Medicine, said the armed protests were a natural evolution
>>>>     of the loyalty President Trump demands from his supporters.
>>>>     Many of these protests have evidently been organized by
>>>>     deep-pocketed groups allied with the president."/
>>>> <> 
>>>> The mentality of these people should be of deep concern to mental 
>>>> health professionals, and I hope it is of top priority among the 
>>>> mental health community right now.
>>>> ~ Jason Bessey
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