"I cannot find any listserve for the FIRST tech team anywhere. "
See Google Groups "VirginiaFIRST FIRST Tech Challenge" group.
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On Wed, 6 Aug 2008 14:34:44 +0000, Julie Eberheim wrote
> Hi,
> My son is graduating out of FLL - still has another year but is so hooked on VEX robotics now he really wants to move up.
> The problem is his school does not sponsor a team and for the life of me I cannot find any listserve for the FIRST tech team anywhere. Seems like there is a break in the transition from one FIRST level to the next.
> If anyone is in the same predicament and would love to help start up a FIRST Tech team in the Richmond/Mechanicsville area please contact me. I was the coach of my son's FLL team and we made it to States last year. Or if you know of a team in the Richmond/MEchanicsvsille area that is open to new members please contact me.
> Any suggestions/help is greatly appreciated.
> You can email me directly at [log in to unmask]
> Hoping I get some helpful responses soon....
> Juliann Eberheim
> [log in to unmask]
> 804-550-3121
> Mechanicsville, VA____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION, please visit https://listserv.jmu.edu/archives/vadcfll-l.html and select "Join or leave the list".If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit https://listserv.jmu.edu/archives/vadcfll-admin-l.html and select "Join or leave the list".
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