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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Dec 2024 12:26:46 -0500
Alex Leonard <[log in to unmask]>
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Alex Leonard <[log in to unmask]>
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Just a few questions, what OS are you using to program? Mac, Windows,
ChromeOS, Web App? Have you made backup copies of your code and then
reinstalled the App? Did your team copy and paste code blocks on the app
page, when we used blocks coding that used to be an issue. Upload one
program at a time, starting with one that is known good, does it work? Keep
going until you run into the one that doesn't. If one causes issues, then I
would suggest starting on a fresh program writing the same code to see if
there is an issue. If the first program doesn't work, then disconnect all
ports and test each one with a motor and sensor that is new or known good.

As a final resort you can try the following:

When you do a firmware update it clears all of the memory. You can try to
downgrade the firmware to V2 and then do an upgrade back to V3. I've done
that in the past to "resolve" some really weird issues. Just follow the
instructions to do the downgrade then open the Spike V3 app and perform the
upgrade to V3 firmware.

You can also try PyBricks custom firmware then going back to Spike but
unless you have a PC/Mac and some background into drivers as well as
putting devices into DFU mode I would refrain from doing so.

Let me know if any of this works out for you all.

Alex Leonard

*Alex Leonard*
Technology Coordinator
*Carroll County Public Schools*
 605-9 Pine Street
 Hillsville, VA 24343
*Office Phone*: 276-728-2414 or 276-730-3200

On Mon, Dec 2, 2024 at 11:34 AM First Lego League in Virginia and DC <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hello, we are having issues with our hub.
> It would be great if anyone can help with troubleshooting them or with
> lending their hub until the team is able to participate in the Championship
> this coming weekend.
> *Issue: *
>    - Hub was working fin until we added a *360 degree turn* block.
>    - After that, it stopped responding.
>    - No new code could be downloaded from two computers.
>    - Later, we were able to connect to one hub position.
>    - Eventually connecting to few hub positions. But not all are
>    available and we cannot download new code to it.
> *Tried Troubleshooting Steps:*
>    - Bluetooth connections reset
>    - Software and firmware updates made - wireless and wired - getting
>    green light and kids say it's upto date
>    - Connected to multiple devices to see if that made a difference
>    - Rebuilt the whole robot - disconnecting ports, etc.
>    - Updated Spike apps
> *Need help with:*
>    - How to tell if hub's memory is full/overloaded?
>    - How can we reset/empty hub's memory?
>    - How can we tell if the hub has the latest stable or beta version?
>    - If beta version is there - we know we can downgrade but we don't
>    know the latest version numbers
> *If any one of your teams has faced this issue please give your guidance.*
> *And, if anyone is willing to lend their hub for the team to practice and
> take for the competition, we would be forever grateful.*
> Thanks in advance!
> Sincerely,
> Sriya Chillarige
> ------------------------------
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