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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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VA/DC Referee Advisor <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 16 Nov 2012 01:11:45 -0500
text/plain (32 lines)
Coaches and Teams,
  I hope that you've been checking the Robot Game Updates at every week.
There have been several changes this week.

Update 24 now allows the robot to clamp mission models in Base before
it is started.  It does *not* otherwise allow mission models to be
bound to each other so that they would fail the gravity test (i.e.
still no tight rubber bands, but a robot grip is okay.)

Update 22 allows accidental bumping of the Ball Game without causing a
glitch.  It will cause balls to come off the rack, of course.

Update 21 says that your team is not allowed to push a ball of your
own color from the rack.  This is an automatic glitch to the benefit
of the other team.  The balls of your color are the ones on the west
side = the left side = the side closest to your Base.

Updates 20 and 23 just emphasized things that I already knew--I hope
that they didn't concern your teams.

Best wishes to all in Saturday's tournaments.  These updates are now
officially part of the Robot Game, and apply for week 3 and for the
Championship tournament in December.

Steve Scherr
VA/DC FLL Referee Advisor

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