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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Mon, 21 Nov 2011 10:20:11 -0500
Arielle Masters <[log in to unmask]>
Arielle Masters <[log in to unmask]>
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First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
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We also had a great time this weekend at the GMU tournaments.

We were at GMU both days - Saturday helping out with the Mindstorming Romans and Sunday as coaches for Chocolate Warriors Wielding Pickles.  Sunday was more crowded but the tables and room were spaced better (and we weren't in the back corner).  Additional kudos to those folks on Sunday who were open-minded enough to try our chocolate pickle bark and/or our chocolate-covered pickles.

It was a friendly, supportive crowd and we appreciate the tournament's quick, easy sign-in process and flexible use of the practice tables.  It was great having the practice tables in the same room as our team table!  Comfy seats & tables for parents and siblings in the hall/lobby were nice too.  Couldn't have been easier.  A request for the final ceremony:  please make sure the announcer says what every team is getting an award for.  On Sunday, two teams  toward the end were called up for special awards but we weren't sure what they were being recognized for.

Last year our older daughter's team competed at Chantilly High.  It was a lot less crowded because of the additional space (cafeteria for team tables; judging and practice tables and tournament tables in various other rooms elsewhere in the building) BUT was a very long walk between rooms and we got lost (or misplaced) at least once and did a lot of rushing around.  Also, it was so huge that buying lunch took a very long time.  SUBII was a good size, for the most part, but it would have been nice to be able to bring our practice mat and set it up downstairs or in a hall to debug some attachment issues between runs.

Thanks again, everyone!

PS to the project judge Sunday who seemed to know me - please send private e-mail, as I didn't catch your name.

On Nov 21, 2011, at 9:42 AM, Zack Sheikh wrote:

> All Volunteers,
> Thank you for putting an amazing tournament at GMU on Sunday.  Everything was very organized and smooth.  We had a blast this year.
> Zack
> Coach
> Lightining Electrifiers

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