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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sender: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
From: Brittany Rose <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:18:15 -0400
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Reply-To: Brittany Rose <[log in to unmask]>
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Thank you, Karen...I know that it is not easy to manage registration for so many teams and you do it admirably!


On Oct 15, 2013, at 9:04 AM, Karen Berger wrote:

> FLL Teams,
> Regional Tournaments have been posted and there is a link on the upper right corner of the website ( or the direct link,  The assignments are organized both by team number and by tournament so you can use either list.  Please make sure to look for your team number as a number of teams may share the same team name.
> Tournament assignments were made on a first-come, first-serve basis and some tournaments (particularly Nov. 16th and 17th in Northern Virginia and Richmond) were very popular and filled up quickly, in some cases the first day.  We had 508 teams register for regional tournaments and were able to place just under 81% of them (410 teams) into their first choice.  That being said, there were about 25 teams that we were not able to place in any of their top three choices.  If you did not get into one of your choices, please know that all three of your choices were full before I assigned your team and I did my best to try to match something as close as possible.  Please don’t email us asking to switch you into one of your original choices because those tournaments are full and do not have any space remaining.
> Also please note that the Manassas tournament is only division 1, since only 2 division 2 teams selected that event (both teams were put in their 2nd choice).  All other tournaments will have both divisions. 
> If teams do need to switch events, I will do my best to honor those switches through the end of this week but after Friday (10/18/13) I will not be able to make any more changes because tournament directors will need to have time to plan their events.
> The following are the ONLY tournaments with remaining space (very limited in some cases).  Please do not ask to switch into any other events.
> 11/2/13: Ashburn (NoVA), Newport News (Southeast), Staunton (Central), Glen Allen (Capital)
> 11/9/13: Alexandria (NoVA), Washington (NoVA), Falls Church (NoVA), Lynchburg (Central), Martinsville (Central), Chesterfield (Capital)
> 11/16/13: Norfolk (Southeast), Abingdon (Southwest)
> Thanks and I look forward to seeing many of you at Regional tournaments throughout Virginia and DC and know that the tournament directors are already hard at work planning your events!
> Karen
> --
> Karen Berger
> VA/DC FLL Regional Tournament Coordinator
> Newport News and Norfolk Regional Tournament Director
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