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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sender: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 11:57:29 -0500
Reply-To: Glenn Roberts <[log in to unmask]>
Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
From: Glenn Roberts <[log in to unmask]>
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Comments: To: Shilpa Kapadia <[log in to unmask]>
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My two cents: it is very unlikely that this is an inherent EV3 design or reliability problem.  Most strange or unpredictable behavior can be traced back to a weakness in the software design or a poor connection, broken wire, etc.    Having a robust and reliable robot (i.e. one whose behavior is consistent and repeatable) requires clever use of sensors, smart software design, and careful design of the Lego components themselves.


Tracking these kinds of problems down is actually an excellent lesson in engineering – its what “real” engineers do every day when testing and debugging a new design!


*	Glenn



From: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Shilpa Kapadia
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2019 7:07 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] Tech Help with EV3 programming issue


I think EV3 brick is very bad we had similar problem I wish FLL change something else instead of EV3. I call the LEGO people and did not get any solution.



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On Nov 3, 2019, at 11:32 PM, masahide okada <[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> > wrote:


Thanks for the advice! Is it possible for as single program in a project (on the computer) to have a bug? We tried deleting the one program on the computer that the robot was not following properly, and rewrote it in exactly the same way. This seems to have solved the problem though we haven’t tested it enough to know for sure. Unfortunately, even if it did work, we don’t know what caused it, so we are unsure how to prevent it from happening again. Any thoughts?




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On Nov 3, 2019, at 5:10 PM, srinivasalu s <[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> > wrote:

Try deleting all programs and download it once again. 

On Sun, Nov 3, 2019, 4:00 PM masahide okada <[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> > wrote:

Hi all,

Our tournament is November 10 and our EV3 brick has just started going crazy on us. It followed programs beautifully yesterday afternoon, we turned it off, plugged it in to charge it, and then turned it on again an hour or two later to show someone the new programs. This is when the robot started acting strangely, for example, going backwards when the program (that it followed before) says to go forward.

The team has tried charging the battery overnight, checking for software updates (none), updated the firmware, unplugging and replugging in all the cables, restarting the app on the computer (a Dell). We even tried a new brick. Same problem. 

Can anyone offer any guidance? I’m desperate as our tournament is in 6 days.

Rosanna Okada
Lego my Eggo
Sent from my iPhone

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