Mon, 9 Dec 2013 19:35:39 -0500
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Hello! It was a great pleasure meeting so many different teams yesterday at
the State tournament!
As our team will be participating in the World Festival this April, we are
thinking about using the EV3. We can see the potential in it, such as a
better processor, but we are not quite sure if it would be possible to
start learning more about the new software and reprogram everything (we've
been using the NXT for 4 years, and are more comfortable with it.) Most
notably, we've noticed that EV3 robots seem to be a decent amount faster
than the NXT 2.0
Today, while browsing YouTube, we came across this video ( which demonstrates how new EV3
motors are compatible with the NXT brick.
Our question is: If EV3 motors are connected to an NXT, will they be faster
than the older servo motors which come with the NXT kit? If you have any
experience regarding this, or have both an NXT and EV3 kit and would like
to test it, please share your thoughts.
Thank You,
*Team Positive Aftermath *#6371
Aaraj, Alex, Vishnu, Siona, Sanjana, and Zach
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