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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
Sonya Shaver <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 30 Nov 2013 12:36:05 -0500
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Sonya Shaver <[log in to unmask]>
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Hello all,
I hope you have all had a wonderful season with your team!  To all the
teams advancing to the Championship Tournament in Harrisonburg,
congratulations!!  You will have an amazing experience!

To other coaches and parent volunteers, we are still in need of judges and
referees for the Championship Tournament.  With about 100 teams coming from
all over Virginia and DC, this is a big event and requires a tremendous
number of volunteers.  In fact, this is the largest FLL tournament in the
world!  Volunteering as a judge or a referee is a great experience.  As a
coach, you can learn so much about FLL and you will see some really neat
things that teams can do.  We would be so grateful for the gift of your
time and your experience, and you will be helping to make this a very
valuable experience for these teams.  It is also a LOT of fun!  If you have
not experienced this tournament before, there is nothing like it.  We will
even feed you and bring you coffee!  I promise that you won't be bored or
hungry!  How can you resist?

If you would be available on Saturday or Sunday, December 7 or 8, here at
JMU in Harrisonburg, please email or call me as soon as possible.  If you
have emailed someone and have not heard back yet, I apologize for our
delay, and please feel free to email or call me again.

Many, many thanks!
Sonya Shaver

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