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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
Matthew Fisher <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Feb 2010 10:34:04 -0500
text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Matthew Fisher <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
All-Arts, Sciences + Technology Camp - Sponsored by UNCG's Division of
Continual Learning

Hello!  My name is Matt Fisher and I am the curriculum director for the
All-Arts, Sciences & Technology Camp through UNC Greensboro.  We are
searching for THREE LEGO Robotics instructors for our 2010 camp season.  

The All-Arts, Sciences + Technology Camp is a weeklong, residential summer
camp for children ages 7-15. Designed to give quality instruction in the
arts and sciences, the camp also includes recreation, values exploration,
and citizenship components.  We conduct our program on four university
campuses throughout North Carolina and Virginia.  (NC State, George Mason
University, UNC Greensboro, and Virginia Tech).   

You will find lots more information about our program on our website at:   

You can also view pictures of campers having a great time in all of our camp
classes on our Flickr site at:


As an instructor, you would teach 2 classes a day (Monday - Thursday) and
have some additional duties on Sunday morning/afternoon, Monday night,
Wednesday night and Friday morning (camp registration, camp dance, and
Friday Curriculum Fair) 

A complete curriculum and all materials to teach the class are provided, but
I also encourage our instructors to use their background experiences to
embellish their subject matter. 

Before we begin camp, we have 1 1/2 days for instructor training, where we
meet the entire staff, go over the structure of camp and participate in some
activities that focus our goals for the summer.

Applicants should have prior experience working with LEGO Robotics Mindstorm
and WeDo Robotics program. Prior experiences working with children in a
traditional and/or outdoor educational setting is preferred.

The dates for our program this summer run from Saturday, July 10th - Friday,
August 7th. Instructor pay start at $325 a week and we provide all of your
room, board, meals, and transportation (if you are traveling with us to
different campus locations). 

IN ADDITION: All camp staff members receive a 50% discount on any of their
children they wish to send to camp.


I usually start by hiring instructors who can work the most weeks and travel
with us to different campus locations. Then, as camp gets closer, I start to
fill in the holes in my instructor roster with applicants whose availability
fits our needs. Hiring instructors who can work the most weeks and travel
with us helps for the consistency of our program.

Please follow the link below for additional employment information. You will
also find job descriptions and class descriptions on the site as well. On
your application, please be certain to select INSTRUCTOR as the position you
are applying for.


If you have any other questions, please feel free to write me an email. 

Thank you!

Matt Fisher
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