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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sender: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 23:16:33 -0400
Reply-To: Anant Narayanan <[log in to unmask]>
From: Anant Narayanan <[log in to unmask]>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="089e01182562a2cc3704f86236ac"
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Comments: To: VA/DC Referee Advisor <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (6 kB) , text/html (11 kB)
​Congratulations to Positive Aftermath​ for the great showing at World.  As
Nick mentioned,  any prize is a great win, especially at FLL World.

Kudos to Steve -- the award is very well deserved, though I wonder why we
have to wait for people in New Hampshire and St. Louis to draw the
spotlight on him.  If anybody is interested in helping/organizing a thank
you/celebratory dinner for Nick, Steve, Karen, etc, please let me know.
 Our kids benefit enormously from all their hard work.

We have some good news to report at our end as well.

After the end of the FLL season, where our team, Turning The Tide, won the
third place championship at the Championship Tournament, our kids
reorganized as two teams for the 2014 Vex IQ challenge.

Team 963B Regulated Additives won the Robot Skills Award at the Virginia
State Championship in February, setting a new Virginia record of 61 points
for Robot Skills (telecontrolled robotics), beating two previous State
records set by Team 963A Reisenschein.

Team 963A Reisenschein won the Teamwork Skills Award (alliance
telerobotics), as well as the overall State Tournament (the Excellence
Award) for the best overall showing in all six areas -- Robot Skills,
Teamwork Skills, Programming Skills (autonomous robotics), Engineering
Notebook, STEM Research Project and Robot Design (first three performance
based and the last three subjectively judged).

Just prior to the World Tournament, the teams were ranked 6th and 11th in
the World Robot Skills Leaderboard.

Both teams went to the Vex World Robotics Championship in Anaheim last
weekend (760 teams, 26 countries) and had a great showing.  Team 963B
Regulated Additives won the World Championship in Robot Skills, setting a
new world record of 108 points.  They also placed 7th overall in Teamwork
Skills.  Team 963A Reisenschein won the overall Championship (the
Excellence Award), and are the No. 1 Vex IQ team in the World (for at least
the next 15 minutes :-).  It is the first time that two Virginia teams have
won two of the top 5 awards in the same year.

Team Reisenschein converted its original research (on the mathematics of
gearbox design) into a book, A Tooth For A Tooth (available on Amazon and
bookstores everywhere).  It is the second book that the team has published
this year. The first book, When Disasters Come Your Way, was an illustrated
children's book on natural disaster preparedness, based on background
research for the FLL Nature's Fury season.

We wanted to acknowledge that none of this could have come about without
the opportunities that VA-DC FLL has provided our children over the past
several years.

Nari Narayanan

* ​------------------------------------------------------------Anant S
NarayananMcLean Robotics InstituteMcLean VA 22102202-421-3826
<202-421-3826> (cell) [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 10:29 PM, VA/DC Referee Advisor <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> Thanks to all the well-wishers!
> It's really great to represent and support all the great teams and
> volunteers in Virginia and DC, plus our friends in nearby states, too!
> Nature's Fury has been a really fun challenge this year, and I know that
> FLL teams are really going to enjoy the World Class challenge in the fall.
> Scott Evans told us that he's come up with some new missions that will
> really let teams showcase both knowledge and skills.
> Check out Positive Aftermath at 1:09:20 of the World Festival finale
> video, and a teaser for World Class at 1:40:00  The video is available at
> Here's the end of one of the practice rounds (,
> with FTC going full throttle right next door, plus 4 FRC fields hosting
> qualifying matches.  Can you find all 5 of the Virginia-based volunteers in
> this picture?  (No, neither can I...)
> Steve Scherr
> VA/DC FLL Referee Advisor
> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 9:21 AM, Swayne, Nick - swaynedd <[log in to unmask]
> > wrote:
>>  Good morning VA-DC FLL!
>> If you didn’t hear the news, Team Positive Aftermath finished the World
>> Festival Competition in great style by winning the Innovative Solution
>> award.  As you can imagine, the World Festival hosts the best teams in the
>> World so it is highly competitive.  Winning any award is prestigious, so
>> winning overall in this category represents outstanding effort by the
>> team.  Please share your congratulations with them.
>> Also – our own VA-DC FLL Head Referee, Steve Scherr, was recognized as
>> Volunteer of the Year for the entire FLL organization – send a shout out to
>> Steve and thank him for everything he does to support FLL in Virginia-DC
>> and beyond.
>> Finally – for a number of years we’ve been asked to run an advanced
>> robotics camp for students.  It takes time to get that approved through the
>> university but we’ve finally got it done.  This is our first time offering
>> it so we only have space for 20 students.  If you’re interested, sign up
>> quickly as I suspect the slots will go fast.  You can find out all the
>> details at:
>> Registration for this year’s competition starts REAL SOON – so stay tuned
>> to the USFIRST website for registration kickoff – try to get the lowest
>> team number in the region.
>> Watch for changes to the VA-DC FLL website too – we should be up and
>> running with a new look in May.
>> Nick
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