Sat, 29 May 2010 12:55:24 -0400
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Our initial interest survey taken at my son's school this past week had
nearly 20 students showing an interest in joining the FLL team.
I suspect that this number will change but there's definitely a chance we'll
still have 15-16, too many for the max team size. I've considered the
possibility of creating two teams and sharing resources between the teams,
assuming I can get enough assistance and get the second team's registration
fee and some expenses covered.
Assuming we stick with a single team, what have you used to help determine
who makes the team and who doesn't? My friend and a longtime FLL coach
provided me with an application that she used to help pick a team, which I
thought was a great idea.
Anything that you've used to help choose your teams? I hate the thought of
cutting kids who have a real desire but that might be the reality we face.
"Today is the pupil of yesterday."
--Publilius Syrus
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