Mon, 7 Dec 2009 12:07:10 -0500
The Scream Team #2036 and the Mini Cougar Bots #2041 from Woodlawn Academy
in Chatham extend their deep appreciation and thanks to all of judges,
referees, emcees, volunteers and organizations that made this Championship
Tournament a great experience. All of the hard work and preparation were
very much in evidence at every step of the tournament, which ran smoothly
despite the inclement weather.
And congratulations and kudos to all the teams -- as ever, we came away
impressed at the innovative ideas on display at the tables and in the pit.
We had a lot of "aha!" moments. And it was great seeing some old friends
again from around the state.
Finally, a thank you to everyone who brought or signed cards for our
"Holiday Mail for Heroes" campaign -- over 800 cards are on their way to the
Red Cross for delivery to troops overseas, their families at home, and
veterans around the country. Thank You!
This is the Scream Team's last tournament, as they age out of Woodlawn and
FLL, but with luck and hard work, you'll see the Mini Cougar Bots again next
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!
Lisa Tuite
Mentor, The Scream Team and the Mini Cougar Bots
Woodlawn Academy, Chatham, VA
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