Wed, 1 Nov 2017 13:49:05 -0400
• If a detail isn’t mentioned, then it doesn’t matter.
• Robot Game text means exactly and only what it plainly says.
I use a very strict definition of "Penalty," since it is used in the
Missions and Rules, but many teams say "is there a penalty..." when they
want a answer to "is there an impact to our score that we won't like..."
There's nothing in M08 that says that the Manhole Covers need to stay
inside the black circles to earn 15 points for M08, so GP2 says that it
doesn't matter if they do.
There *is* wording in M08 for the Bonus that says that the Manhole Covers
need to end up completely in the target circles to earn the Bonus, so that
is important. But only their position at the end of the Match.
I don't think that the Challenge Guide mentions a "Penalty" for breaking
Mission Models, but it does mention a consequence. Since some mission are
worth 30 points, the team might not score 30 points if they break a Mission
Model. See R17 for details.
Steve Scherr
Virginia-DC FLL Referee Advisor
On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 1:28 PM, Cedric D'Costa <[log in to unmask]>
> Hi Referees, coaches,
> Is there a penalty if the manhole covers are accidentally moved outside of
> the black
> circle during the course of running any mission (including the manhole
> flip mission itself).
> The Challenge guide mentions models being broken causes a 5 point penalty.
> How about if the robot accidentally touches/hits a mission model but it
> does not break?
> Is there a penalty? If so, is it 5 points also?
> Thanks,
> Cedric D'Costa
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