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"Steve L. Scherer (slscherer)" <[log in to unmask]>
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Steve L. Scherer (slscherer)
Mon, 19 Sep 2011 07:17:51 -0400
text/plain (45 lines)

This is a good question. Unfortunately, you've sent it to the wrong guy. The guy you are looking for is Steve Scherr @ JMU. I'm Steve Scherer, a rookie coach at a middle school in Henrico, VA. I'm taking the liberty of forwarding your question on to the" real" Steve  on the list serve @ JMU as I am sure they can get it routed correctly.

Good Luck,

Steve Scherer
Technology Education
Brookland Middle School
Henrico, VA

-----Original Message-----
From: Gail Drake [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 9:54 AM
To: Steve L. Scherer (slscherer)
Subject: Question on FLL Rules


Hi, this is Gail Drake.  I have an overall FLL Rule question.  I am asking this question because I saw a major difference in a call that you made and the World Finals last year, and want to be sure everyone in FLL in the country is on the same page this year.  Two years ago, you disqualified ErinGrace's team (or gave them zero points) because they took their entire brain of a robot from one robot to another (you counted all motors on both bases and said it was over the limit). 

The winning team at St Louis did the same, and it was acceptable. 

Do you know what the official consistent rule will be this year ? 

Thank you and looking forward to another season with FLL and you. 

Professor Drake
Battlefield High School
Information Technology and Programming Faculty

ILITE Robotics Coach, FRC Team 1885, FTC, ZERO Robotics, Seaperch US FIRST FLL Judge, Tournament Director
(571) 261-4726
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