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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sender: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2019 16:37:46 -0400
Reply-To: "Wagner, Leah" <[log in to unmask]>
Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
From: "Wagner, Leah" <[log in to unmask]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="00000000000077c0d405843c217b"
Comments: To: Lord Of The Bricks <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (16 kB) , text/html (23 kB)
Thanks so much for all of this help. We just moved back to the country and
settled in the North Potomac / Gaithersburg area. Does anyone have any
leads on a team for 6th and 8th graders? I'm considering starting my own
but I don't want to re-invent the wheel if it's already rolling nicely down
the hill! Thank you! I'm at [log in to unmask]


On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 9:34 AM Lord Of The Bricks <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> JMU Security Warning: The message below contains a link to a non-JMU
> service where fraudulent sites are often found. DO NOT TYPE JMU PASSWORDS
> INTO THE SITE. Do not click the link unless you're sure the site serves a
> legitimate purpose known to you.
> ------------------------------
> Also remember that VADCFLL pretty much always has startup grants
> <>
> at the beginning of each season.  Keep an eye out for them, and make sure
> to apply.  For new teams, it is a great way to be able to afford to get
> into the game!
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 12:00 AM Samuel Aparicio <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
>> One of the simplest ways to find an FLL team for your child in NoVa is to
>> join Nova Labs Robotics
>> <>.
>> We are a makerspace
>> <>
>> in Reston that fields 5-10 FLL teams and 5+ FTC teams every season. We have
>> dozens of robot kits, mats, plenty of space to meet, coaches and mentors, training
>> sessions (one this Sat)
>> <>
>> / workshops and advanced fabrication facilities for producing project work
>> and doing research.
>> Many of our teams stick together for several years forming bonds between
>> kids and deepening their teamwork.
>> We do charge a participation fee to cover expenses (scholarships
>> available) but mostly what we ask is for parents to get involved, perhaps
>> becoming a coach, an assistant coach, or to help with the robotics program
>> in some capacity. If it feels intimidating to coach, don't worry, there's
>> training and mentoring available for coaches.
>> Here's a story about one of our teams that had a chance to visit NASA HQ
>> this season -
>> <>
>> If you're interested let us know - [log in to unmask]
>> On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 10:46 AM David Y <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Great information provided by Skip below and to provide another
>>> perspective why often is better to just start your own team:
>>> 1.      One of my team member has said that being a new kid on a
>>> seasoned team was hard.  He often felt lost and can’t keep up or understand
>>> what’s going.  The FLL season is short about less than 3 months and for
>>> school teams that’s even shorter.  So it’s best for teams to start learning
>>> together.
>>> 2.      As a coach, last year I had couple new members, it was a bit
>>> more challenging to keep new and old members on the same page.  You don’t
>>> want to bore the old members while you have to teach the new members.  So I
>>> had to spend more time to come up with instructions to fit the members.
>>> 3.      Team dynamic and chemistry also is very important.  Not every
>>> kid will get along with everyone.  With all that said I can see why some
>>> teams would be reluctant just accept new members.
>>> To start a new team does take a lot of work and resources, but don’t let
>>> that stop you.  I really enjoyed the time with my daughters while coaching
>>> the team and they really enjoyed the experience.  Below is a little more
>>> info/yips on forming a new team.
>>> It would cost about $1000 to start a new team (robot, registration fees,
>>> and maybe build a table).  You could look for sponsorships and grants to
>>> help with the cost or if start a team with your child’s school you would
>>> often receive financial support from the school.    There are other ways to
>>> raise funds.
>>> A place to meet and have at least a computer to do the programming.
>>> It’s best to have a permanent to meet so you don’t have to setup and tear
>>> down every time you meet.
>>> As far as time commitment – that’s up to you and your team, but that
>>> might be the biggest factor deterring someone to coach.   I’ve coached for
>>> 2 years now and our first year we met 3-4 time per week.  This past season
>>> we met twice a week and you will feel you never have enough time because
>>> there’s always more things they can do.  Anyways, above are just some of my
>>> experiences and observations; I’m sure others would have more tips and
>>> different experiences.
>>> Cheers,
>>> David Yang
>>> *From:* First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
>>> *On Behalf Of *Skip Morrow
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, March 14, 2019 9:08 AM
>>> *To:* [log in to unmask]
>>> *Subject:* [VADCFLL-L] How to find an FLL team for your child
>>> Every year we see many posts here from parents desperately looking for a
>>> team that their son/daughter can join. This email will hopefully give you
>>> some ideas.
>>> 1. The first place to look is at the school at which your child attends.
>>> Many schools have teams, but not all. Some schools have EV3's and will say
>>> they have "a robotics team", but they aren't competing in FLL. It might be
>>> an after-school club or something like that. Be sure to ask if the team
>>> competes at FLL tournaments.
>>> 2. Some churches and community organizations have FLL teams. These can
>>> be a little harder to find because you pretty much have to just know about
>>> the team. Although I have seen some public libraries forming teams, which
>>> is really cool.
>>> If 1 & 2 don't work out, perhaps work with the school, church,
>>> organization, public library, etc, and see about forming a team there.
>>> Don't be surprised if they ask you to help coach!
>>> 3. There are some "neighborhood" teams which may be associated with a
>>> business. Generally there is a fee associated with joining the team in
>>> those cases. These seem to be getting quite rare.
>>> 4. If none of the first three options work, there's ALWAYS the option of
>>> starting your own team. Some teams work out of their garage, or maybe a
>>> basement or in that little-used dining room. This is a lot of work, but it
>>> is very rewarding and, in my opinion, very much worth the effort. There are
>>> often grants available for new teams, which can make it financially a lot
>>> easier. By starting a team of your own, you may be able to open it up to
>>> other kids in your area that are also looking for a team to join. You can
>>> work with those parents and see if they can help you with the coaching.
>>> Please don't think that "you can't do it" or stress over the fact that
>>> you may not have ever done anything like that. Or maybe you don't think you
>>> know enough about robotics. We were all first year coaches at one point.
>>> When I was a rookie coach, I wasn't smart enough to ask the community for
>>> help. Many of you that come to this listserv looking for teams are already
>>> ahead of where I was in my first year. Trust me, you can do it. The very
>>> nature of FLL will ensure you will have no shortage of help from this
>>> virtual community, and from other teams. Please, if you can't find an
>>> existing team to join, I strongly encourage you to form a team of your own.
>>> The FLL experience is too valuable to pass up simply because you couldn't
>>> find a team.
>>> Please post questions about forming teams here on the listserv. I'm not
>>> kidding when I say there are teams that would EAGERLY offer help with
>>> getting a new team up to speed.
>>> Have fun, and good luck.
>>> Skip Morrow
>>> FLL Coach, Norfolk Collegiate
>>> .
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> --
> Shari Robinson
> Head Coach
> Lord of the Bricks Robotics
> FIRST Tech Challenge Team 7039
> FIRST Lego League Team 9076
> Jr. FIRST Lego League Team 933
> SolidWorks Engineering's May 2016 Women in Engineering spotlight honoree!
> <>
> RichTech 2017 Finalist - Innovation in Education Award
> <>
> <>
> Facebook:
> <>
> <>
> Twitter: @LordoftheBricks
> YouTube:
> <>
> Homeschool Resources Group
> PO Box 1701
> Mechanicsville, VA 23116
> 804-410-4474
> <>
> Facebook:
> <>
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