Mon, 25 Jul 2016 19:05:22 -0400
FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) team 9901 “Techie Titans” is presenting FIRST INFO Session on Jr. FLL, FLL and FTC again this season in Northern Virginia. Come join us for the presentation, DEMO, and Q&A session.
This session is for students, parents, coaches, and mentors.
* FIRST Programs (Jr FLL to FRC): age groups, overlapping, and your options
* Jr. FLL and FLL: the components
* Details on FLL:
— Advancement criteria (to State and beyond)
— Common myths and mistakes
— Approach to FLL success:
-> DO’s, DON’Ts
-> Tips on strategy, robot design, and tournament day
— Transitioning from FLL to FTC
— Robot Demo
— Q&A
Cost: FREE
WHEN: Aug 6, 2016. 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Gum Spring Library (Meeting Room A)
24600 Millstream Dr, Stone Ridge, VA 20105
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About FTC team 9901:
Nova Labs Robotics team FTC 9901 started its journey last year by primarily combining team members (from 4 different FLL teams) who are passionate in Robotics and participated in FLL State tournament / World festival before. In its first FTC season, the team competed at the East Super-Regional championship as one of the top teams from VA State Championship.
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