text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Tue, 30 Sep 2008 19:52:03 -0400
Hi Everyone,
Hope your teams are working well together. Does the bike have to be upright when it is placed in its spot?
>>> Shirley Weakley <[log in to unmask]> 09/27/08 8:56 AM >>>
Hi Bobbie,
Shirley from Page Co. - (Here's my take on this challenge) "I think" the word CONNECT is implied b/c we are "connecting" with another community that has the same issue our community has, and b/c climate change is a global issue we all need to "connect" and work together on to combat. The wording of these challenges are always somewhat vague and leave it wide open to the interpretation of the teams, allowing for many innovative ideas and solutions!! Good Luck and Beth & I will see you at JMU in November.
Shirley Shirley Weakley
Page County Public Schools
Gifted Resource Teacher
-----Original Message-----
From: "Bobbie Arbogast" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent 9/27/2008 8:02:19 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] Another Project QuestionI am still somewhat confused on the project connection. I have reread
the project description on the FLL website... this is exactly what is
written on that page:
1. Research how climate affects your own community. Identify a problem
caused by climate in your area, analyze climate data about the problem,
and discover what your community is doing about it. Find another
community somewhere in the world with the same issue and identify any
solutions they are working on.
Discuss the various ways climate impacts your community and your lives.
Look at climate data available for your area as it relates to your
climate problem. Consider talking with experts who work in a
climate-related profession every day, such as climatologists, farmers,
foresters, and community leaders. Then find another community in a
different geographical area that is experiencing a similar problem.
Consult the FLL Topic Guide for additional project resources.
So my question is... where do the words CONNECT with others appear...
the above statement states to find another community with the same
issue and identify solutions they are working on. If there is another
link that I need to follow to find the words CONNECT with others,
please let me know.
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