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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Stephanie Eskins Gleason <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 Sep 2009 12:00:13 -0400
text/plain (54 kB) , text/html (74 kB)

Does anyone have experience working with Loudoun or Fairfax county to rent or borrow the county Lego Mindstorms kits?


We would like to offer a Lego Mindstorms afterschool program this fall at Horizon Elementary. We have three FLL teams at the school and more people want to join and learn. I'd like to offer the program over 6 weeks (one afternoon a week) for grades 3-5. We have an instructor, but we need kits.


My kids took the Lego Robotics camp through Loudoun Parks and Recreation this summer. The teachers were very supportive of the idea and seemed to think we could borrow or rent the kits from the county. Since then I have left multiple email and voicemail messages with Aaron Hopper and Jessica Hale in Loudoun and have received no responses. 


Can anyone refer me to someone else or suggest another avenue I can try?



Stephanie Gleason


Join me

> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 00:00:04 -0400
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: VADCFLL-L Digest - 8 Sep 2009 to 9 Sep 2009 (#2009-70)
> To: [log in to unmask]
> There are 11 messages totalling 1274 lines in this issue.
> Topics of the day:
> 1. Flex time on Coaches Info Session, FCPL, 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm on Wednesday
> 2. VADCFLL-L Digest - 7 Sep 2009 to 8 Sep 2009 (#2009-69) (4)
> 3. No shared mission this year??? (3)
> 4. Movies to download
> 5. Showcase video clips that will be used for Coaches Info Session
> 6. MD FLL List?
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 20:59:17 -0700
> From: Jin Ye <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Flex time on Coaches Info Session, FCPL, 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm on Wednesday
> --0-1692316094-1252468757=:774
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Dear Coaches and Mentors who are interested in this event -=20
> =C2=A0
> I want to let you know it's okay=C2=A0coming late or leaving early. Consder=
> I am runing a semi-lecture and semi-infobooth :-)
> =C2=A0
> If you arrives at the library after 8:00 pm (the time the library's main ha=
> ll is closed), send an email to me during the day. You have to park your ca=
> r nearby, and then call me at (703) 864-9255, I'll open the door for you.
> =C2=A0
> Please make your effort to come if you are interested in. You will get lots=
> of info and can take them with you when the meeting ends.
> =C2=A0
> Jin
> =C2=A0
> ---
> =C2=A0
> Dear VADCFLLers:
> =C2=A0
> I=E2=80=99ll entertain an "coaches' info session" in City of Fairfax Region=
> al Library on Wednesday Sept 9 from 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm. a meeting room has =
> been reserved with capacity of 30+. Please check the library=E2=80=99s webp=
> age for the location of the library -
> branches/fx/=20
> The primary purpose of the gathering is to exchange the coaching / mentorin=
> g ideas and exhange info of the FLL robot game. It is a session for coaches=
> and mentors though I don=E2=80=99t mind the attendance of team members.
> I strongly recommend you to bring cemeras or even camcoders to the meeting.=
> It is a public event. A few Lego robots for FLL games and large stack of a=
> ttachments and straitegic pieces will be displayed and YOU CAN TOUCH THEM a=
> I also strongly recommend you to bring a laptop or at least a high capacity=
> jumpdrive. If you are interested in getting the videos and files demonstra=
> ted in the meeting, you can have a copy.=20
> The main subjects are -
> 1 - Understand the rules of the game and extract the message from the rules=
> .=20
> 2 =E2=80=93 The game plans and the game strategies.
> 3 - The principle of the FLL robot building with the execution of the game.
> 4 - The principle of NXT programming for the FLL game.
> 5 - How to coach the kids to maximize the FLL experience and excitement.
> I'll act as the host of the meeting but attendees are welcome to chime in a=
> t any time to ask a question or to share his/her experience with the others=
> - it is a totally free forum and I wish everyone will be getting what they=
> are looking for when the meeting finishes. Provided that the attendees wan=
> t another session or will even be interested in a fan club type regular mee=
> tings (once a month during the season?), I'll be honored to do it again.=20
> =C2=A0
> Jin Ye
> =C2=A0
> =C2=A0=0A=0A=0A 
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> --0-1692316094-1252468757=:774
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> <table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
> top" style=3D"font: inherit;"><DIV>Dear Coaches and Mentors who are interes=
> ted in this event - </DIV>
> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> <DIV>I want to let you know it's okay&nbsp;coming late or leaving early. Co=
> nsder I am runing a semi-lecture and semi-infobooth :-)</DIV>
> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> <DIV>If you arrives at the library after 8:00 pm (the time the library's ma=
> in hall is closed), send an email to me during the day. You have to park yo=
> ur car nearby, and then call me at (703) 864-9255, I'll open the door for y=
> ou.</DIV>
> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> <DIV>Please make your effort to come if you are interested in. You will get=
> lots of info and can take them with you when the meeting ends.</DIV>
> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> <DIV>Jin</DIV>
> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> <DIV>---</DIV>
> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> <DIV><FONT size=3D3 face=3D"verdana, helvetica, sans-serif">Dear VADCFLLers=
> :</FONT></DIV>
> <DIV><FONT size=3D3 face=3D"verdana, helvetica, sans-serif"></FONT>&nbsp;</=
> DIV>
> <P style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt" class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: b=
> lack"><FONT size=3D3 face=3D"verdana, helvetica, sans-serif">I=E2=80=99ll e=
> ntertain an "coaches' info session" in City of Fairfax Regional Library on =
> Wednesday Sept 9 from 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm. a meeting room has been reserved =
> with capacity of 30+. Please check the library=E2=80=99s webpage for the lo=
> cation of the library - </FONT><A href=3D"
> ary/branches/fx/" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank><FONT color=3D#0000ff size=
> =3D3 face=3D"verdana, helvetica, sans-serif">
> ibrary/branches/fx/</FONT></A></SPAN>=20
> <P style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt" class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: b=
> lack"><FONT face=3D"verdana, helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT size=3D3>The prim=
> ary purpose of the gathering is to exchange the coaching / mentoring ideas =
> and exhange info of the FLL robot game. It is a session for coaches and men=
> tors though I don=E2=80=99t mind the attendance of team members.<BR><BR>I s=
> trongly recommend you to bring cemeras or even camcoders to the meeting. It=
> is a public event. A few Lego robots for FLL games and large stack of atta=
> chments and straitegic pieces will be displayed and YOU CAN TOUCH THEM and =
> <P style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt" class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: b=
> lack"><FONT face=3D"verdana, helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT size=3D3>I also s=
> trongly recommend you to bring a laptop or at least a high capacity jumpdri=
> ve. If you are interested in getting the videos and files demonstrated in t=
> he meeting, you can have a copy.</FONT></FONT></SPAN>=20
> <P style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: bl=
> ack"><FONT face=3D"verdana, helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT size=3D3>The main =
> subjects are -<BR><BR>1 - Understand the rules of the game and extract the =
> message from the rules.</FONT></FONT></SPAN>=20
> <P style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3D"verdana, h=
> elvetica, sans-serif"><FONT size=3D3><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black">2 =E2=80=
> =93 The game plans and the game strategies.<BR>3 - The principle of the FLL=
> robot building with the execution of the game.<BR>4 - The principle of NXT=
> programming for the FLL game.<BR>5 - How to coach the kids to maximize the=
> FLL experience and excitement.<BR><BR></SPAN>I'll act as the host of the m=
> eeting but attendees are welcome to chime in at any time to ask a question =
> or to share his/her experience with the others - it is a totally free forum=
> and I wish everyone will be getting what they are looking for when the mee=
> ting finishes. Provided that the attendees want another session or will eve=
> n be interested in a fan club type regular meetings (once a month during th=
> e season?), I'll be honored to do it again.<SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black"></S=
> PAN></FONT></FONT>=20
> <DIV><FONT size=3D3 face=3D"verdana, helvetica, sans-serif"></FONT>&nbsp;</=
> DIV>
> <DIV><FONT size=3D3 face=3DVerdana>Jin Ye</FONT></DIV>
> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> <DIV><FONT size=3D3 face=3DVerdana></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV></td></tr></table><br=
> >=0A=0A 
> ______________________________________________________________
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> --0-1692316094-1252468757=:774--
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 10:04:17 -0400
> From: Bobbie Arbogast <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: VADCFLL-L Digest - 7 Sep 2009 to 8 Sep 2009 (#2009-69)
> Please help! I cannot stream the video clips for the missions...
> everything is broken. I can't even open the zip files that Jin Ye sent...
> my computer won't recognize the zip extension. Can anyone direct me
> another way??? Thanks, Bobbie
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 10:09:31 -0400
> From: Robert Haskins <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: No shared mission this year???
> Am I misunderstanding the missions, or is there no "true" shared
> mission this year? I don't count the "leave the robot on the red spot
> on the bridge" option as a shared mission, sorry. If so, it'll be the
> first time in the 6 years I have done FLL that there is no shared
> mission. Wacky.
> -- 
> Haskins Family Farm
> Middletown, VA
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 11:14:46 -0400
> From: Ralph Grove <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: VADCFLL-L Digest - 7 Sep 2009 to 8 Sep 2009 (#2009-69)
> This might help:
> The mission videos from the usfirst website are in Adobe/Flash format. 
> You must have a current Flash player installed on your computer in order 
> to view them. If you have authority to install software on your 
> computer, you can download the installation file for Flash Player here: 
> The zip files that were sent over this list had an added extension, 
> ".jmu" for security purposes. It's necessary to rename them from 
> to just in order to open them.
> Ralph
> Bobbie Arbogast wrote:
> > Please help! I cannot stream the video clips for the missions...
> > everything is broken. I can't even open the zip files that Jin Ye sent...
> > my computer won't recognize the zip extension. Can anyone direct me
> > another way??? Thanks, Bobbie
> >
> > ...
> > 
> -- 
> Ralph F. Grove, Jr., Ph.D., Professor
> James Madison University Department of Computer Science
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 11:49:12 -0400
> From: Rusty West <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Movies to download
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> ------=_NextPart_000_0047_01CA3143.8CD59D60
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset="us-ascii"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> If you are having trouble with downloading the movies I would suggest you
> try :
> Check about half way down the page. The download is about 85megs. Lots of
> other good resources here too.
> Rusty West
> Page Middle School
> Gloucester, VA
> Pre-engineering
> Project Lead The Way / 
> Gateway To Technology
> FIRST Lego League
> FIRST Tech Challenge
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> ------=_NextPart_000_0047_01CA3143.8CD59D60
> Content-Type: text/html;
> charset="us-ascii"
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> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>If you are having trouble with downloading the movies =
> I
> would suggest you try :<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'><a
> href=3D"">http=
> ://</a><o:p></o:p></s=
> pan></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>Check about half way down the page.&nbsp; The =
> download is about
> 85megs.&nbsp; Lots of other good resources here =
> too.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 color=3Dmaroon face=3D"Harlow Solid =
> Italic"><span
> style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Harlow Solid =
> Italic";color:maroon'>Rusty
> West</span></font><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><st1:place w:st=3D"on"><st1:PlaceName =
> w:st=3D"on"><font size=3D3
> color=3Dmaroon face=3D"Harlow Solid Italic"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;
> font-family:"Harlow Solid =
> Italic";color:maroon'>Page</span></font></st1:PlaceName><font
> color=3Dmaroon face=3D"Harlow Solid Italic"><span =
> style=3D'font-family:"Harlow Solid Italic";
> color:maroon'> <st1:PlaceType w:st=3D"on">Middle =
> School</st1:PlaceType></span></font></st1:place><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><st1:place w:st=3D"on"><st1:City w:st=3D"on"><font =
> size=3D3
> color=3Dmaroon face=3D"Harlow Solid Italic"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;
> font-family:"Harlow Solid =
> Italic";color:maroon'>Gloucester</span></font></st1:City><font
> color=3Dmaroon face=3D"Harlow Solid Italic"><span =
> style=3D'font-family:"Harlow Solid Italic";
> color:maroon'>, <st1:State =
> w:st=3D"on">VA</st1:State></span></font></st1:place><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:
> 12.0pt'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 color=3Dmaroon face=3D"Arial Rounded =
> MT Bold"><span
> style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Arial Rounded MT =
> Bold";color:maroon'>Pre-engineering</span></font><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 color=3Dmaroon face=3D"Arial Rounded =
> MT Bold"><span
> style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Arial Rounded MT =
> Bold";color:maroon'>Project
> Lead The Way / </span></font><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 color=3Dmaroon face=3D"Arial Rounded =
> MT Bold"><span
> style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Arial Rounded MT =
> Bold";color:maroon'>Gateway
> To Technology</span></font><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:
> 12.0pt'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 color=3Dmaroon face=3D"Arial Rounded =
> MT Bold"><span
> style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Arial Rounded MT =
> Bold";color:maroon'>FIRST
> Lego League</span></font><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 color=3Dmaroon face=3D"Arial Rounded =
> MT Bold"><span
> style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Arial Rounded MT =
> Bold";color:maroon'>FIRST
> Tech Challenge</span></font><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:
> 12.0pt'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:
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> style=3D'font-size:
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> schools/page/</a></span></font><font
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> </div>
> </body>
> </html>
> ______________________________________________________________
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> ------=_NextPart_000_0047_01CA3143.8CD59D60--
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 11:52:34 -0400
> From: =?windows-1252?Q?Steve_Scherr?= <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: No shared mission this year???
> I would suggest a different view of "leave the robot on the red spot".
> The red decking on the bridge is a shared, interaction zone.
> It seems difficult to arrange for two robots to both satisfy the Vehicle 
> Sharing (red decking) scoring criterion simulaneously.
> Probably the first robot vehicle to the spot is in a better position to 
> score, but that isn't certain.
> It feels like a "competitive" situation to me.
> I know that teams can choose to go for the Target Spot instead of Vehicle 
> Sharing, to avoid the interaction region. That presents a different set of 
> obstacles, and is an example of teams being able to choose what move they 
> make.
> Steve Scherr
> On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 10:09:31 -0400, Robert Haskins 
> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >Am I misunderstanding the missions, or is there no "true" shared
> >mission this year? I don't count the "leave the robot on the red spot
> >on the bridge" option as a shared mission, sorry. If so, it'll be the
> >first time in the 6 years I have done FLL that there is no shared
> >mission. Wacky.
> >
> >--
> >Haskins Family Farm
> >Middletown, VA
> >
> >
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 09:28:52 -0700
> From: Jin Ye <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: VADCFLL-L Digest - 7 Sep 2009 to 8 Sep 2009 (#2009-69)
> --0-610651054-1252513732=:90007
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Thanks, Dr. Grove: for the explanation.
> I have downloaded ALL video clips on the mission page.=A0 It turned out the=
> y all are (may be saved as by the freeware 'orbitdownloader' - it is very g=
> ood) in 'mov' format so that they can be played with Apple Quicktime which =
> is freely available.
> The size of the video clips ranges from 3 mb to 30 mb.
> If you have a server entry point at which I can upload the video clips, ple=
> ase let me know. It could be a benefit to the VADCFLL community.
> If anyone in the community who would host the files, let me know.The attend=
> ees of this evening's Coaches Info Session can copy the files from the Jump=
> -drives that I prepare.
> If you have any suggestion, let me knoe as well.
> Jin=20
> --- On Wed, 9/9/09, Ralph Grove <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> From: Ralph Grove <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] VADCFLL-L Digest - 7 Sep 2009 to 8 Sep 2009 (#2009=
> -69)
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 11:14 AM
> This might help:
> The mission videos from the usfirst website are in Adobe/Flash format. You =
> must have a current Flash player installed on your computer in order to vie=
> w them. If you have authority to install software on your computer, you can=
> download the installation file for Flash Player here:
> /products/flashplayer/
> The zip files that were sent over this list had an added extension, ".jmu" =
> for security purposes. It's necessary to rename them from to just=
> in order to open them.
> Ralph
> Bobbie Arbogast wrote:
> > Please help!=A0 I cannot stream the video clips for the missions...
> > everything is broken.=A0 I can't even open the zip files that Jin Ye sent=
> ...
> > my computer won't recognize the zip extension.=A0 Can anyone direct me
> > another way???=A0 Thanks, Bobbie
> >=20
> > ...
> >=A0=A0=A0
> -- Ralph F. Grove, Jr., Ph.D., Professor
> James Madison University Department of Computer Science
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit https://listserv.jmu.e=
> du/archives/vadcfll-l.html and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL adminis=
> trative announcements will be distributed - visit
> archives/vadcfll-admin-l.html and select "Join or leave the list".
> =0A=0A=0A 
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> --0-610651054-1252513732=:90007
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> <table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
> top" style=3D"font: inherit;">Thanks, Dr. Grove: for the explanation.<br><b=
> r>I have downloaded ALL video clips on the mission page.&nbsp; It turned ou=
> t they all are (may be saved as by the freeware 'orbitdownloader' - it is v=
> ery good) in 'mov' format so that they can be played with Apple Quicktime w=
> hich is freely available.<br><br>The size of the video clips ranges from 3 =
> mb to 30 mb.<br><br>If you have a server entry point at which I can upload =
> the video clips, please let me know. It could be a benefit to the VADCFLL c=
> ommunity.<br><br>If anyone in the community who would host the files, let m=
> e know.The attendees of this evening's Coaches Info Session can copy the fi=
> les from the Jump-drives that I prepare.<br><br>If you have any suggestion,=
> let me knoe as well.<br><br>Jin <br><br><br>--- On <b>Wed, 9/9/09, Ralph G=
> rove <i>&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</i></b> wrote:<br><blockquote
> style=3D"border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; paddin=
> g-left: 5px;"><br>From: Ralph Grove &lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;<br>Subjec=
> t: Re: [VADCFLL-L] VADCFLL-L Digest - 7 Sep 2009 to 8 Sep 2009 (#2009-69)<b=
> r>To: [log in to unmask]<br>Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, =
> 11:14 AM<br><br><div class=3D"plainMail">This might help:<br><br>The missio=
> n videos from the usfirst website are in Adobe/Flash format. You must have =
> a current Flash player installed on your computer in order to view them. If=
> you have authority to install software on your computer, you can download =
> the installation file for Flash Player here: <a href=3D"
> m/products/flashplayer/" target=3D"_blank">
> ashplayer/</a><br><br>The zip files that were sent over this list had an ad=
> ded extension, ".jmu" for security purposes. It's necessary to rename them =
> from to just in order to open
> them.<br><br>Ralph<br><br>Bobbie Arbogast wrote:<br>&gt; Please help!&nbsp=
> ; I cannot stream the video clips for the missions...<br>&gt; everything is=
> broken.&nbsp; I can't even open the zip files that Jin Ye sent...<br>&gt; =
> my computer won't recognize the zip extension.&nbsp; Can anyone direct me<b=
> r>&gt; another way???&nbsp; Thanks, Bobbie<br>&gt; <br>&gt; ...<br>&gt;&nbs=
> p;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>-- Ralph F. Grove, Jr., Ph.D., Professor<br>James Mad=
> ison University Department of Computer Science<br><br>_____________________=
> _________________________________________<br>To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR =
> SETTINGS, please visit <a href=3D"
> -l.html" target=3D"_blank">
> </a> and select "Join or leave the list".<br><br>If you want to join the VA=
> DCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will=
> be distributed - visit <a
> href=3D"" target=3D"=
> _blank"></a> and sele=
> ct "Join or leave the list".<br></div></blockquote></td></tr></table><br>=
> =0A=0A 
> ______________________________________________________________
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> --0-610651054-1252513732=:90007--
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 09:44:25 -0700
> From: Jin Ye <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Showcase video clips that will be used for Coaches Info Session
> --0-1213429827-1252514665=:43018
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> During tonight's coaches' gathering - sounds like a party? nooo - it is a meeting :-), numerous award-wining mission executions from the FLL teams around the world in the previous years' challenges will be demonstrated AND analyzed! 
> Included are the following Virginia award-winning teams' outstanding robot performance videos! I want to thank these teams ahead of the meeting -
> Team Configurators
> Team Tiki
> Team SMALL 
> and many teams in the VA06 state tourney
> Deeply appreciate these team's great FLL Gracious Professionalism spirit!!!
> Jin
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> --0-1213429827-1252514665=:43018
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">During tonight's coaches' gathering - sounds like a party? nooo - it is a meeting :-), numerous award-wining mission executions from the FLL teams around the world in the previous years' challenges will be demonstrated AND analyzed! <br><br>Included are the following Virginia award-winning teams' outstanding robot performance videos! I want to thank these teams ahead of the meeting -<br><br>Team Configurators<br>Team Tiki<br>Team SMALL <br>and many teams in the VA06 state tourney<br><br>Deeply appreciate these team's great FLL Gracious Professionalism spirit!!!<br><br>Jin<br></td></tr></table><br>
> ______________________________________________________________
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> --0-1213429827-1252514665=:43018--
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 12:49:00 -0400
> From: Nagesh Chintada <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: VADCFLL-L Digest - 7 Sep 2009 to 8 Sep 2009 (#2009-69)
> --001485f197644698de047327dd8c
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Jin,
> You can create a group for FLL on YouTube and upload videos there. That is
> probably the most web-friendly way of doing it.
> Otherwise, you can download the videos from the TechBrick site:
> they are excellent for use on your laptop, especially if you are offline and
> don't have internet connectivity ( very handy when you are in public areas
> like libraries).
> Nagesh
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Jin Ye <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > Thanks, Dr. Grove: for the explanation.
> >
> > I have downloaded ALL video clips on the mission page. It turned out they
> > all are (may be saved as by the freeware 'orbitdownloader' - it is very
> > good) in 'mov' format so that they can be played with Apple Quicktime which
> > is freely available.
> >
> > The size of the video clips ranges from 3 mb to 30 mb.
> >
> > If you have a server entry point at which I can upload the video clips,
> > please let me know. It could be a benefit to the VADCFLL community.
> >
> > If anyone in the community who would host the files, let me know.The
> > attendees of this evening's Coaches Info Session can copy the files from the
> > Jump-drives that I prepare.
> >
> > If you have any suggestion, let me knoe as well.
> >
> > Jin
> >
> >
> > --- On *Wed, 9/9/09, Ralph Grove <[log in to unmask]>* wrote:
> >
> >
> > From: Ralph Grove <[log in to unmask]>
> > Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] VADCFLL-L Digest - 7 Sep 2009 to 8 Sep 2009
> > (#2009-69)
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 11:14 AM
> >
> >
> > This might help:
> >
> > The mission videos from the usfirst website are in Adobe/Flash format. You
> > must have a current Flash player installed on your computer in order to view
> > them. If you have authority to install software on your computer, you can
> > download the installation file for Flash Player here:
> >
> >
> > The zip files that were sent over this list had an added extension, ".jmu"
> > for security purposes. It's necessary to rename them from to just
> > in order to open them.
> >
> > Ralph
> >
> > Bobbie Arbogast wrote:
> > > Please help! I cannot stream the video clips for the missions...
> > > everything is broken. I can't even open the zip files that Jin Ye
> > sent...
> > > my computer won't recognize the zip extension. Can anyone direct me
> > > another way??? Thanks, Bobbie
> > >
> > > ...
> > >
> >
> > -- Ralph F. Grove, Jr., Ph.D., Professor
> > James Madison University Department of Computer Science
> >
> > ______________________________________________________________
> > and select "Join or leave
> > the list".
> >
> > If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL
> > administrative announcements will be distributed - visit
> > and select "Join or
> > leave the list".
> >
> >
> > ______________________________________________________________
> > ______________________________________________________________ To
> > and select "Join or leave
> > the list". If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which
> > FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit
> > and select "Join or
> > leave the list".
> -- 
> Nagesh Chintada
> Phone: 703-829-0284
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> --001485f197644698de047327dd8c
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Jin,<br>You can create a group for FLL on YouTube and upload videos there. =
> That is probably the most web-friendly way of doing it. <br><br>Otherwise, =
> you can download the videos from the TechBrick site: <a href=3D"http://www.=
> ttp://
> <br>they are excellent for use on your laptop, especially if you are offlin=
> e and don&#39;t have internet connectivity ( very handy when you are in pub=
> lic areas like libraries).<br><br>Nagesh<br><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Jin Ye <span dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=3D"ma=
> ilto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]</a>&gt;</span> =
> wrote:<br><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"border-left: 1px solid=
> rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
> <table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0"><tbody><tr><td styl=
> e=3D"font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font=
> -weight: inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; font-size-adjus=
> t: inherit; font-stretch: inherit;" valign=3D"top">
> Thanks, Dr. Grove: for the explanation.<br><br>I have downloaded ALL video =
> clips on the mission page.=A0 It turned out they all are (may be saved as b=
> y the freeware &#39;orbitdownloader&#39; - it is very good) in &#39;mov&#39=
> ; format so that they can be played with Apple Quicktime which is freely av=
> ailable.<br>
> <br>The size of the video clips ranges from 3 mb to 30 mb.<br><br>If you ha=
> ve a server entry point at which I can upload the video clips, please let m=
> e know. It could be a benefit to the VADCFLL community.<br><br>If anyone in=
> the community who would host the files, let me know.The attendees of this =
> evening&#39;s Coaches Info Session can copy the files from the Jump-drives =
> that I prepare.<br>
> <br>If you have any suggestion, let me knoe as well.<br><br>Jin <br><br><br=
> >--- On <b>Wed, 9/9/09, Ralph Grove <i>&lt;<a href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]
> JMU.EDU" target=3D"_blank">[log in to unmask]</a>&gt;</i></b> wrote:<br>
> <blockquote style=3D"border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: =
> 5px; padding-left: 5px;"><br>From: Ralph Grove &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:grover=
> [log in to unmask]" target=3D"_blank">[log in to unmask]</a>&gt;<br>Subject=
> : Re: [VADCFLL-L] VADCFLL-L Digest - 7 Sep 2009 to 8 Sep 2009 (#2009-69)<br=
> >
> To: <a href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]" target=3D"_blank">VADC=
> [log in to unmask]</a><br>Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 11:14 =
> AM<div><div></div><div class=3D"h5"><br><br><div>This might help:<br><br>Th=
> e mission videos from the usfirst website are in Adobe/Flash format. You mu=
> st have a current Flash player installed on your computer in order to view =
> them. If you have authority to install software on your computer, you can d=
> ownload the installation file for Flash Player here: <a href=3D"http://www.=
>" target=3D"_blank">
> ducts/flashplayer/</a><br>
> <br>The zip files that were sent over this list had an added extension, &qu=
> ot;.jmu&quot; for security purposes. It&#39;s necessary to rename them from=
> to just in order to open
> them.<br><br>Ralph<br><br>Bobbie Arbogast wrote:<br>&gt; Please help!=A0 I=
> cannot stream the video clips for the missions...<br>&gt; everything is br=
> oken.=A0 I can&#39;t even open the zip files that Jin Ye sent...<br>&gt; my=
> computer won&#39;t recognize the zip extension.=A0 Can anyone direct me<br=
> >
> &gt; another way???=A0 Thanks, Bobbie<br>&gt; <br>&gt; ...<br>&gt;=A0=A0=A0=
> <br><br>-- Ralph F. Grove, Jr., Ph.D., Professor<br>James Madison Universit=
> y Department of Computer Science<br><br>___________________________________=
> ___________________________<br>
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit <a href=3D"https://lis=
>" target=3D"_blank">https://listserv.j=
></a> and select &quot;Join or leave the list&=
> quot;.<br>
> <br>If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL adm=
> inistrative announcements will be distributed - visit <a href=3D"https://li=
>" target=3D"_blank">https://lis=
></a> and select &quot;Join or le=
> ave the list&quot;.<br>
> </div></div></div></blockquote></td></tr></tbody></table><br>
> =20
> ______________________________________________________________
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION, please visit <a href=3D"https:/=
> /" target=3D"_blank">https://listse=
></a> and select &quot;Join or leave the l=
> ist&quot;.
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL adminis=
> trative announcements will be distributed - visit <a href=3D"https://listse=
>" target=3D"_blank">https://listser=
></a> and select &quot;Join or leave =
> the list&quot;.
> </blockquote></div><br><br clear=3D"all"><br>-- <br>Nagesh Chintada<br>Phon=
> e: 703-829-0284<br><br>
> ______________________________________________________________
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> --001485f197644698de047327dd8c--
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 19:33:59 -0400
> From: Glenn Roberts <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: No shared mission this year???
> I agree it's a bit of a letdown. When our team put the field kit components
> together in August we were excited to note that the bridges from the two
> tables would abut - wow, maybe a team could get more than 400 points by
> "crossing the bridge" to score points on the other table?! Or some other
> interesting interaction! The red vs. yellow distinction is a letdown from
> our expectations (and only worth an extra 5 points on red?!).
> Seems likely that some of the robots will wander onto the alternate team's
> table (either deliberately or due to navigation errors) - should be
> interesting to see how the judges treat that.
> Glenn Roberts
> -----Original Message-----
> From: First Lego League in Virginia and DC
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Steve Scherr
> Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 11:53 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] No shared mission this year???
> I would suggest a different view of "leave the robot on the red spot".
> The red decking on the bridge is a shared, interaction zone.
> It seems difficult to arrange for two robots to both satisfy the Vehicle 
> Sharing (red decking) scoring criterion simulaneously.
> Probably the first robot vehicle to the spot is in a better position to 
> score, but that isn't certain.
> It feels like a "competitive" situation to me.
> I know that teams can choose to go for the Target Spot instead of Vehicle 
> Sharing, to avoid the interaction region. That presents a different set of 
> obstacles, and is an example of teams being able to choose what move they 
> make.
> Steve Scherr
> On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 10:09:31 -0400, Robert Haskins 
> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >Am I misunderstanding the missions, or is there no "true" shared
> >mission this year? I don't count the "leave the robot on the red spot
> >on the bridge" option as a shared mission, sorry. If so, it'll be the
> >first time in the 6 years I have done FLL that there is no shared
> >mission. Wacky.
> >
> >--
> >Haskins Family Farm
> >Middletown, VA
> >
> >
> ______________________________________________________________
> and select "Join or leave
> the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL
> administrative announcements will be distributed - visit
> and select "Join or
> leave the list".
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 19:37:21 -0400
> From: Glenn Roberts <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: MD FLL List?
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> ------=_NextPart_000_0020_01CA3184.F30314F0
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset="us-ascii"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Can anyone point me to the equivalent e-mail list (to this one) for
> Maryland?
> I looked thru this site:
> but couldn't find one.
> I know a 5th grade boy in Mechanicsville, MD and would love to connect him
> with a team. (Seems like FIRST could to a better job at providing social
> networking tools to connect kids with teams).
> Thanks for any help
> - Glenn Roberts
> ______________________________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".
> ------=_NextPart_000_0020_01CA3184.F30314F0
> Content-Type: text/html;
> charset="us-ascii"
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> <div class=3DSection1>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal>Can anyone point me to the equivalent e-mail list =
> (to this
> one) for Maryland?<o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal>I looked thru this site:<o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><a =
> href=3D""></a><o:p>=
> </o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal>but couldn&#8217;t find one.<o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal>I know a 5<sup>th</sup> grade boy in =
> Mechanicsville, MD and
> would love to connect him with a team.&nbsp; (Seems like FIRST could to =
> a better job
> at providing social networking tools to connect kids with =
> teams).<o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal>Thanks for any help<o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoListParagraph style=3D'text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l0 =
> level1 lfo1'><![if !supportLists]><span
> style=3D'mso-list:Ignore'>-<span style=3D'font:7.0pt "Times New =
> Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> </span></span><![endif]>Glenn Roberts<o:p></o:p></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
> </div>
> </body>
> </html>
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> End of VADCFLL-L Digest - 8 Sep 2009 to 9 Sep 2009 (#2009-70)
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