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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Rajesh Virassamy <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 Oct 2020 11:20:54 -0400
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Dear FLL Teams,

Greetings from Capital Bots 14575, We are a third year FTC team. We hope
you are doing well and staying safe!

We are reaching out to you regarding our upcoming virtual event. We are
planning a virtual FLL workshop where we can share our experiences, the
aspects of FLL, and strategies for a successful year.

Our plan is to have 2-3 teams present their knowledge on one of the aspects
of FLL and an overview of their team.

We currently have a team to present the research and project part. We are
looking for seasoned teams willing to do a small presentation on the robot
design and programming aspects. This will be a great opportunity to get
your outreach.

If you also want to share your experiences and tips for other teams, you
are welcome to participate :)

Please email us back by *November 3rd* if you are interested in presenting
at this event. Please include a brief overview of your team as well. See
you soon!

FTC Team 14575
Capital Bots

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