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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Wed, 6 Apr 2016 10:46:35 +0000
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Our team - The Ruling Robot Falcons - is hosting two events this Spring/Summer:
1) A workshop for those who are interested in starting their own team for the 2016/17 season. The workshop will be held on Sunday, May 22 from 2pm - 4pm at the Main Street Library in Newport News. 

2) An Advanced FLL Robotics Camp that is designed for kids who love robots and have participatedin the First Lego League or already know the basic functions of Lego MindstormsEV3 robots. We will be focusing on programming techniques that improvereliability and effectiveness with robots in completing FLL missions.

When: July 6 – 8
Time: 9am – 2pm
Where: Hilton Christian Church, 100 James River Dr., Newport News, VA.
Cost: $90 ($10 discount if bringing own robot).

**All participants must bring their own laptop with Mindstorms EV3 program loaded.
**We will break for lunch. Please have participants bring their own lunch.

For more information on either event, please contact Amy Nichols at [log in to unmask]

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