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First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 15 Nov 2015 20:48:44 -0500
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Brittany Rose <[log in to unmask]>
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Brittany Rose <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (219 lines)
Hi Chao,

I can tell you from experience that your tournament director has probably collapsed in exhaustion at this point and I wouldn't be surprised if he is not checking email at all this evening. There is not a central repository for scores online, but they may still be stored on someone's laptop via the scoring program. It is certainly possible, though, that they won't be available now that the tournament has finished up. Just hang tight and if the scores are available at all I am sure that your tournament director will be in touch soon.

Congratulations to you and your team on finishing up your first season of FLL!


On Nov 15, 2015, at 8:31 PM, Chao Wei wrote:

> Dear all,
> We participated in Falls Church tournament today. As a rookie team, we did not know that we should look at the screen in the gym for scores on our three robot matches. We were sitting at a corner. When the closing ceremony started, there was nothing on the screen. 
> We waited to the end of the closing ceremony with no information on our scores. When we approached the organizer, we were told that all score sheets on paper have been thrown out. 
> As a new team, we really would like to know what our scores for robot matches are. We already reached out to today's organizer but have not heard from him. Are there other places where the scores maybe online and accessible to us?
> Thanks!
> Chao
> --------------------------------------------
> On Fri, 11/13/15, VA-DC Referee Advisor <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] Questions - Please reply
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Friday, November 13, 2015, 3:52 PM
> Yes, I do
> much as Amy described.
> I go
> to the door, welcome the team and invite them to enter, and
> when everyone is through the door, I close it and say
> "I am starting the clock now."
> Steve
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at
> 12:41 PM, Joseph Trombo <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
> Hi Cedric and
> All,I apologize to all for discouraging
> introductions, introductions are polite and professional. 10
> minutes per judging session minimum, time starts when the
> door is opened. 
> I recall once when
> judging, there was a large and fun team that came into the
> judging room and performed an elaborate introduction/ cheer
> with choreographed movements. It was fun and enthusiastic
> and cool and well-done, but it did take quite a bit of time.
> I'm unsure how the cheer enhanced the judging session.
> So, just a caution.
> When I'm
> judging, I usually volunteer to open the door, I wear a
> silly hat, I often greet the team by asking them to
> "Come on In" (a la Price-Is-Right emcee) and I
> jokingly demand high-fives. So, as a judge, I'm trying
> to break the ice. I figure happy kids having
> fun will give judges better information (and have a better
> experience) than anxious kids desperately trying to perform
> exactly the way they planned to. I hope I don't cause
> teams to freak out too
> much;)
> My experience as a
> coach is that most judges greet teams with smiles and an
> encouraging demeanor, and often they are really friendly and
> jovial, with silly hats or high-fives, or an intro
> phrase.
> I try to
> encourage my team to have fun at the tournament and to help
> other teams have fun also. Every team earns and wins
> memories of the tournament, I want those memories to all be
> good, and this is something I can do, no matter whether I am
> coaching or judging or parenting.
> Amy Tromboco-coach BrickBeasts
>       From: Cedric
> D'Costa <[log in to unmask]>
>  To: [log in to unmask]
>  Sent: Friday, November
> 13, 2015 11:41 AM
>  Subject: Re:
> [VADCFLL-L] Questions - Please reply
> Thank you for
> your replies. I got mixed replies on the
> introductions.It sounds like it is counted against time
> and a name tag may be sufficient.However, it
> would help if it breaks the ice.
> Steve, 
> Do you count the introduction time
> for both Core values and Project?
> I guess it matters more during
> Project as they have only 5 minutes to present
> as soon as they walk through the
> door. 
> Thanks,
> Cedric
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 11:32 AM, VA-DC
> Referee Advisor <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
> When I am
> judging, I count the time that teams introduce themselves as
> part of the 10 minute session.  There isn't enough
> spare time not to include it.
> Although competition rounds with the
> robot are open to the public, there will likely be a limit
> on how many people can get close to the
> tables.
> Steve
> On Friday, November 13, 2015,
> Cedric D'Costa <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
> We viewed the fllstartingpoint video which was
> very helpful.My apologies for the long list of question
> and  if we missed any from the video.
> We're a rookie team and needed
> clarification on the questions below-Core
> values1. Are the kids allowed to take the
> poster into the room?2. Is this a closed
> session?3. How long is this session?4.
> Is this 5 minutes for the Core value activity and 5 minutes
> for judging?5. Should the kids introduce
> themselves? Will this be counted in the time
> allocated?6. Are only 3 adults allowed in the
> room with the kids?
> Project1. Is this
> 5 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for
> judging?2. Should the kids introduce themselves?
> Will this be counted in the time allocated?3. Are
> only 3 adults allowed in the room with the
> kids?4. I assume this is a closed session and a
> poster/trifold is allowed in this room.
> Robot design1. Is
> this a closed session?2. Should the kids mention
> their roles as we have some "experts" in
> programming who can answer questions.3. Should
> they walkthrough their binder?4. How long is the
> judging of Robot design?5. How many adults are
> allowed in the room with the kids?
> Missions1. Is this
> a closed session?2. How long do we get at the
> practice table?3. How many adults are allowed in
> the room with the kids?
> Thank
> you!Cedric
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