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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Rithvik Bhogavilli <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 11 Jul 2020 19:55:51 -0400
text/plain (833 bytes) , text/html (1193 bytes) , FTC Camp Flyer.pdf (304 kB)
Hello all,

My name is Rithvik Bhogavilli and I am a captain on FTC team 47 Beavers
from Germantown MD.

This summer, the 47 Beavers are running a collection of online STEM summer
camps for elementary and middle schoolers in subject areas such as computer
science, engineering, math, and physics. The camps are one hour a day for
five days and cost $50 for the week. The camps are taught by current and
past members of the team.

If you have any questions about the camps, please contact us at
[log in to unmask]

Thank you,
Rithvik Bhogavilli

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