From: Jin Ye <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-CHAMPIONSHIP-L] To the award-winning teams - thank you and / or please contribute to the video project.
Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 9:51 AM
I think the best reward to an adult is - when the kids grow up after many years they will still have some wonderful memory on this activity.
I'm still working on something that may help them to trigger the memory for years coming :-))
--- On Tue, 12/15/09, *** wrote:
Hi Jin,
Our other coach, ***, made a DVD. I have not got it yet. I emailed him asking him to mail you a copy. I am not sure if he is in town. If he cannot get to it, I will make a copy for you after I receive it this weekend.
Thank you so much for your effort. My team really moved up a level after meeting you. Beyond the technical help, the kids were touched by your genuine enthusiasm of the subject. You really brought out the best of them.
--- On Tue, 12/15/09, Jin Ye <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
From: Jin Ye <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [VADCFLL-CHAMPIONSHIP-L] To the award-winning teams - thank you and / or please contribute to the video project.
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 12:01 PM
Hello, the coaches of the award-winning teams:
While I absolutely welcome any FLL teams to send me the original quality (full resolution)video footage that is appropriate for the video project / "documentary" that I'm working on, I'm publicly calling on you - please support / contribute to this project by sending me the video footage of your team - intro to your team, robot, project, ... you name it.
My mailing (home) address -
Jin Ye
4520 Willet Drive
Annandale, VA 22003
I have the satisfactory video footage on the following teams, so thank you! -
#5711, Lightning LEGO League
#1895, CAMS Robo Patriots
#4154, NXT Squad
#1055, Sea Monsters
#5802, Nysmith Xtra Terrestrials
I have some video footage on the following teams that I don't think "complete", but thank you! -
#2036, The Scream Team - I caught yur wonderful "hand waving" before the openning ceremony, but I really hope you would send me a video on your great project demo etc.
#3099, Smart-E - As we discussed I'm looking forward to receiving your full resolution video footage on your best match of 390 points in round 2.
#5312, TransTurtles - I caught only about 30 seconds on your robot match in round 2. If it was not your best match, please consider to mail me the better video footage.
I have received the "intent of participation" before or on the tourney day" from the following team coaches, however I missed them. I look forward to hearing from you, dear coaches :-)), and thank you!
#350, VDOT BOTS - Mr. Rusty West - It was a great chat with you on Sunday, Sir.
#5361, Team Hakuna Matata - Ms. Kim Schauer - I'm so sorry that I missed you guys, but hey you can still contribute to the "documentary" :-))
#1958, Helios - (Coach Mike?) I learnt you have coached FLL for 5 - 6 years! Would you contribute the video project from a coach's perspective?
I was not contacted by the following teams on the video project (but some of the teams received the "DVD"s from me before). Here I publically express my sincere hope that you would contribute the project. Thank you in advance.
#6, Green Panthers
# 5967, BusLightYearZ
#5291, Titan Transport
#7509, Green Machines
#193, Nanobots
#3534, The Blue Dragons
#400, Brainstorms
#7530, DML Giants
#5858, Robosharks
#6317, Road Cones
#2864, LynTech Green
#2007, ROBOWIZ
#6089, Vector 67
#3975, Ashburn Robotics NXTreme
To #3534 The Blue Dragons and #6089 Vector 67 in particular - you are not only former and curernt champions but also two great teams full of "gracious professionlism" as I know over last 2 3- years. I think you have an obligation to respond my call for contributing to the video project :-))
Thank you.
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