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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Arun Manroa <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Dec 2017 07:04:26 -0500
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Dear VA-DC FLL coordinators, teams, coaches and parents who participated.

Thanks so much for another incredible Championship Tournament, this was our
second year @ JMU /  Harrisonburg, and I do have to say the process and
orchestration of the event was flawless. The event was running ahead of the
schedule which is an amazing achievement in itself with over 100 teams. Our
team is proud to be part of the FLL robotics biggest tournament in the

A big thanks especially to all the volunteers and judges who spent their
weekend for us.The magnets to sign up to the abundant practice tables was a
neat idea and the entire process for the teams in/out there was well
synchronized. Our team had a damaged robot during transit and we could not
have been successful without the practice tables. We know there were
hundreds of people who dedicated hours and driven by their passion that
made this a success. Thank you so much for all your support. Congrats to
the teams who will represent VA-DC in the Worlds, wish you all the best.

We are ready to go INTO ORBIT !

Best regards,

Coachs for master-minds (#23231)

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