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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Aug 2013 09:15:18 -0400
Fredrik Nyman <[log in to unmask]>
Fredrik Nyman <[log in to unmask]>
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To: Darlene Pantaleo <[log in to unmask]>
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Thanks for the clarifications!

My situation is possibly a little unusual, in that I'm new to FLL and
apparently doing things backwards. :-)

My son starts 4th grade next month, and I'm confident enough that he will
find enough classmates to start a team that I've signed up and paid for an
EV3 set, the field kit and registration out of pocket.  (Ouch).

When school starts, he will be recruiting other team members, and I'll be
talking to parents to get them involved; to help with the coaching,
fundraising etc.  I would have preferred to recruit a team first, then
fundraise and finally do national/regional registration and pay for the
field kit and robot, but the timeline didn't seem to work; if I started
fundraising when school starts in early September and ordered/paid for
everything (hopefully) a few weeks later, it would be October by the time
the kids had the robot and field kit, and they'd only have about a month to
get ready for the tournament.

Anyway, the reason I was asking for clarification about the tournament(s)
is that I want to make sure I give the other parents accurate information
about what is involved.  Thanks for all the responses!

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Darlene Pantaleo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Once you give your choices and pay your registration fee, your team will
> be assigned one qualifying tournament. Most teams get their first pick so
> long as they sign up right away. There is a cap on how many teams can
> attend each event, so first-come, first-served (date and time of
> registration matters). Teams are vying for spots to the state event, yes.
> At events, your team must participate in all of the judging sessions to
> qualify for judged awards. Be sure to read all of the coaches' manual as
> well as the Q&A online to ensure that the team doesn't miss anything. I
> used to assign the online Q&A to a student to read and explain to the team,
> but I also read it to make sure they understood it.
> Darlene
> *"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived--this
> is to have succeeded."~~Ralph Waldo Emerson*
> On Aug 6, 2013, at 7:13 AM, Fredrik Nyman wrote:
> Could someone please explain the tournaments to me?
> Specifically, do all teams participate in a single regional event in
> November?
> And that regional event is a qualifier for the championship tournament in
> December?
> Thanks!
> Fredrik
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