The actual set up is released with the rules. However if you look at the
mat closely you can easily figure out where the pieces go. Need more help,
there is a you tube video out there.
On Aug 18, 2011 10:02 PM, "Larry & Loreen Thompson" <[log in to unmask]>
> Hi -
> We've received the mat and assembled the structures. However, we
> aren't able to find any instructions for how the structures are
> placed on the mat or the position of the mat on the table. In past
> years, we seem to remember that there were instructions for both
> included with the mat. For instance, some structures can be oriented
> in various ways, and in some years the mat is centered on the table,
> while in other years the mat may be pulled all the way into one of
> the corners, (usually the base). Where are the instructions for the
> actual field set up.
> Thanks.
> Loreen
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