Mon, 18 Oct 2010 16:05:34 -0400
Hello all,
I am in my fourth year of FLL and our team is in a desperate need of an NXT. All three of our NXTs died this year. I have contacted Lego Education and the Tech support people confirmed they all have a dead LCD display. I have sent all three off to be repaired at no charge. However, the turn over time is 3 - 4 weeks. If any team has an extra NXT that we can barrow for the season it would be greatly appreciated by my kids. I reside in the West Point area and teach in Middlesex. I will travel to pick-up if one is available. Hopefully Richmond or Tidewater.
Thank You
Mr. Patrick Angel
Technology Education
TSA - Advisor
St. Clare Walker Middle School
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Ph: 804-758-2561
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