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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sender: First Lego League Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 08:57:46 -0400
Reply-To: Barbara Bragg <[log in to unmask]>
From: Barbara Bragg <[log in to unmask]>
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Tournament Directors,

Can you tell me how many teams you plan on having at tournament this year?  Thanks!

Northern Virginia/DC Region

Sterling 1 (11/15) - River Bend MS

Sterling 2 (11/16) - River Bend MS

Stafford (TBD) - TBD

Chantilly (11/15) - Chantilly HS

Capital Region

Richmond (TBD) - Benedictine HS

Midlothian (TBD) - James River HS

Hampton Roads/Tidewater Region

Newport News (11/15) - Crittenden MS

Norfolk (11/08) - ODU

Southwest Region

Blacksburg (11/16) - Blacksburg HS

Halifax/Mecklenburg (11/8) - Bluestone MS

Central Region

Charlottesville (TBD) - TBD

Harrisonburg (11/08) - JMU

Lynchburg (11/15) - Timberlake Christian School

Barbara Bragg

Career Pathways Coordinator

Workforce Development & Continuing Education

Central Virginia Community College

3506 Wards Road

Lynchburg, VA  24502

[log in to unmask]

(434) 832-7672

(434) 832-7761 FAX

"Grow Your Own"

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