Mon, 24 Oct 2016 22:02:39 -0400
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Hello to all teams,
I've attached a copy of the scoresheet that we plan to use at all
Virginia-DC FLL tournaments this year, if your teams want to become
familiar with it.
The questions should look very familiar from the Missions. There may be
a small surprise hidden in the answers though...
If you have any questions on the scoresheet, please send them to
[log in to unmask], rather than to the whole VADCFLL list. I will tell you
that the scoresheet is correct.
Please note that there is a blank for Team Initials at the bottom of the
scoresheet. The table referee will ask for one of the team members to mark
there to show that the team agrees with what is recorded on the
scoresheet. The scoresheet is final once the team indicates agreement.
R19 - Scoring
If you agree with everything, you sign the sheet, and the scoresheet is
Sometimes rookie teams will initial the scoresheet just because a referee
has asked them to, but the team member who signs should know that it is
important to look at what the referee is marking to make sure that it is
Steve Scherr
Virginia-DC FLL Referee Advisor
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