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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Karen Berger <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 8 Jan 2023 22:23:02 -0500
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FLL Teams, 

If you've recovered from the FLL season and are looking for some upcoming activities in the next few months, we'll have two fun events in Hampton Roads.  Please let me know if you want to volunteer/compete or need more info.

- Saturday February 4th: Hampton Roads Naval Museum's Brick By Brick Lego Shipbuilding event is back!  10 am - 4 pm.  This event will be in Norfolk and is free and open to the public.  Feel free to come and enjoy two floors of Lego activities.;!!N6YHze6lT7thMl0!KH-bJten-_L4gi2qRmCNxtL837CS0VZSTLKSrTpZNmln4ZYzNudMULSVIZiO-_LTj6f-9mRP0-MkrUJ9JVHFjbko8w$ .  I am also looking for teams interested in bringing their FLL robot and showing it off.  I'll provide the table/mat/field kit and teams can sign up for 1-2 hour shifts to talk with the public.  If your team is interested, please let me know so that we can work out a schedule.

- Saturday May 20: FLL Scrimmage (held as part of the larger CNU/NNPS Community STEM Fair), ~9:30 am - 2:00 pm.  The full event is free and open to the public, has a large number of exhibitors/activities and will be held on the CNU campus in Newport News.  We will be holding a FLL Scrimmage that is open to all teams (official registration with FIRST is not required).  Robot Performance and informal Robot Design Judging only - no core values or innovation project judging.  Teams will be divided into Rookie and Veteran divisions instead of age divisions.  There is no registration fee but registration is required (please email me directly to complete registration).  

If you're interested in showing off your robot at the Shipbuilding event or competing at the scrimmage, please email me directly for more information.




Karen Berger

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