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Mon, 7 Dec 2009 10:02:20 -0500
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I would like to extend an invitation to all FLL teams to attend the FTC events. We have 4 qualifiers and a Regional Championship, beginning this weekend at the Science Museum of Virginia (December 12). Check out www.vaftc.org/events.html for locations and dates. All events are 10-5.
FTC is a next logical step for all you FLL-ers moving up! Teams are still up to 10 students, and the cost for a season is quite reasonable. Kits are reusable, robots use NXTs, and CAD drawing and engineering notebooks replace the project.
Check out an event and see all the action! And for those of you in southwest Virginia, we still need volunteers. You can register on the website.
Note: For folks who come to see us at the Science Museum, you can stick around and visit the museum for only $5 a person.
Darlene Pantaleo
FTC Affiliate Partner
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