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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Andrew and Brittany Rose <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 May 2008 15:59:09 +0000
text/plain (27 lines)
Good morning,

As we prepare to gear up for the 2008 season, this is a great time to make improvements and add new content to our Web site.  What isn't out there that you would like to see?  What can we improve upon?

Some ideas that we're considering based upon previous discussions via the list are...

* List of school-based contacts
* Functionality that would allow people looking for teams to connect (think meets FLL)
* Resources for parents/coaches looking to start a new team

In addition to looking for your ideas, we're looking for some people to help us create content.  This is a great opportunity to help support this all-volunteer organization by volunteering your time during the off season.  The more people who get involved with this opportunity, and the many others that will present themselves this year, the richer the outcome will be for the kids of FLL.

Please respond off list with your suggestions for the Web site and to volunteer.

Thanks for your help!

Brittany Rose
Virginia/DC FIRST LEGO League

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