Fri, 20 Nov 2009 22:25:21 -0500
Our school e-mail did not receive any outside e-mails all last week, and they have now said that any e-mails sent during that time will not reach us! My team, the Highland Hawkeyes, Division1, team #1797, qualified at the Stafford tournament. We are planning to come!!! I tried to sign up for the championship list that another coach kindly sent to my g-mail address yesterday, but haven't heard back. We are now getting outside e-mail, I think. Can you please re-send the invitation referenced below again to both e-mails? [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask] I do hope that there is still time for the action required. I e-mailed the list-serve several times, but heard nothing back, and have checked the web-site several times a day for more information. I'll look for your answer on Monday. Thank you, Claire Mello If you need information quickly, my phone number is 540 937-7305
The email addresses for the coach and team manager of each championship team was added to the championship email list on Tuesday morning and a message with details about the tournament and instructions for sending in team RSVPs was sent out to the list later that day (subject - INFO & ACTION REQUIRED re: VA/DC FLL Championship Tournament). If you are on a team that qualified to advance to the championship or was selected as an alternate and you have not received any notification via the championship list, please email me off the list and let me know. I will NOT have access to my email this weekend, so please don't be concerned if you don't hear back from me until Monday morning.
Thanks and have a GREAT weekend,
Brittany Rose
Virginia/DC FIRST LEGO League
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