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Thu, 23 Jun 2022 22:51:23 -0400
Hello again to everyone!
Some of you might remember me from another message earlier this week, but
let me introduce myself again: my name is Jia Xi (Jessie) Lin and I am a
member of the FTC Team 13100 (47 Beavers).
After a while from my last message, I realized that some members in the
community may be interested in checking out an in-person STEM summer camp.
So, to all of the FLL students who live near Montgomery County, Maryland, I
wanted to share another summer camp called: RoboCamps.
This camp will be held by FRC Team 4099 and my own team, that essentially
hones robotics skills. Even though these camps are in-person, students will
be able to build, code, test, and compete with other campers, using VEX
robots, within a week. They will be competing in a format similar to other
FIRST games, with different games each week as well!
I have attached a flyer for the camp for some basic information. But of
course, if there are any questions, feel free to email us at:
[log in to unmask], or you can check out the website at RoboCamps -
Team 4099 < >.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Jia Xi (Jessie) Lin
FTC Team 13100 - 47 Beavers
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