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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sonya Shaver <[log in to unmask]>
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Sonya Shaver <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 17 Nov 2014 10:00:23 -0500
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Hello coaches!
Congratulations to all of the teams who have worked hard and competed in
regional tournaments over these past two weekends!  I hope you had a great
FLL season!  For coaches who have teams not going on to the championship
tournament, I wanted to reach out to you and tell you about a great
opportunity to learn a lot more about FLL and to help out other teams.
Around 100 teams from all over Virginia and DC will come to Harrisonburg on
December 6 and 7 for the championship tournament.  This is the biggest FLL
tournament in the world!  And we need your help as judges and referees!  It
takes a HUGE team of volunteers to make this happen.  It is also a great
way for a new coach to learn more about FLL and to see what the top teams
from around the state are doing.  Please consider coming to Harrisonburg on
December 6 or 7 and participating as a volunteer, even if your team is not
advancing.  It is an amazing experience for the kids AND the adults!
Please contact me if you are interested!
Many thanks,
Sonya Shaver

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