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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 04:01:48 -0800
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Hello, the coaches of the award-winning teams:
While I absolutely welcome any FLL teams to send me the original quality (full resolution)video footage that is appropriate for the video project / "documentary" that I'm working on, I'm publicly calling on you - please support / contribute to this project by sending me the video footage of your team - intro to your team, robot, project, ... you name it.
My mailing (home) address - 
Jin Ye
4520 Willet Drive
Annandale, VA 22003
I have the satisfactory video footage on the following teams, so thank you! - 
#5711, Lightning LEGO League
#1895, CAMS Robo Patriots
#4154, NXT Squad
#1055, Sea Monsters
#5802, Nysmith Xtra Terrestrials
I have some video footage on the following teams that I don't think "complete", but thank you! -
#2036, The Scream Team - I caught yur wonderful "hand waving" before the openning ceremony, but I really hope you would send me a video on your great project demo etc.
#3099, Smart-E - As we discussed I'm looking forward to receiving your full resolution video footage on your best match of 390 points in round 2.
#5312, TransTurtles - I caught only about 30 seconds on your robot match in round 2. If it was not your best match, please consider to mail me the better video footage.
I have received the "intent of participation" before or on the tourney day" from the following team coaches, however I missed them. I look forward to hearing from you, dear coaches :-)), and thank you!
#350, VDOT BOTS - Mr. Rusty West - It was a great chat with you on Sunday, Sir.
#5361, Team Hakuna Matata -  Ms. Kim Schauer - I'm so sorry that I missed you guys, but hey you can still contribute to the "documentary" :-))
#1958, Helios - (Coach Mike?) I learnt you have coached FLL for 5 - 6 years! Would you contribute the video project from a coach's perspective?

I was not contacted by the following teams on the video project (but some of the teams received the "DVD"s from me before). Here I publically express my sincere hope that you would contribute the project.  Thank you in advance.
#6, Green Panthers

# 5967, BusLightYearZ
#5291, Titan Transport
#7509, Green Machines
#193, Nanobots
#3534, The Blue Dragons
#400, Brainstorms
#7530, DML Giants
#5858, Robosharks
#6317, Road Cones
#2864, LynTech Green
#2007, ROBOWIZ
#6089, Vector 67
#3975, Ashburn Robotics NXTreme
To  #3534 The Blue Dragons and #6089 Vector 67 in particular - you are not only former and curernt champions but also two great teams full of "gracious professionlism" as I know over last 2 3- years. I think you have an obligation to respond my call for contributing to the video project :-)) 
Thank you.


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