Subject: | |
From: | |
Reply To: | George W. Dodd, SRA |
Date: | Sun, 9 Nov 2008 13:35:24 -0500 |
Content-Type: | multipart/related |
Parts/Attachments: |
It seems to me that there is a disconnect between what FLL states and what
happens at the tournament. In reading the challenge this year the team was
suppose to identify a local change in climate and find possible solutions.
The materials provided from FLL suggest that the team's project would
represent the largest part of their score and that the robot and its
performance were of secondary importance.
The tournament however is clearly focused on the robot. The team scores
appeared to based mostly on robot design, programming, and table
performance. The team's project seemed not to really count for much. Of
the times the team met with the judges; one was for the robot programming
and design, three were the robot challenge at the table, one for a team
building exercise, and one two minute segment was for the presentation of
their project.
Maybe there should be two types of tournaments where one is based on the
project and the other on the robot.
George Dodd
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